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The new wife's are getting on an airship to go to Haven. They are cuddle up with each other as the airship takes off. Weiss let Ruby have the window set. Ruby was excited about this trip. Weiss was to but she was hiding it better. It was going to be a long flight. So the new couple talked about when they should start having kids. Weiss what's to start next year. Ruby was ok with this. "Weiss maybe we should talk to the Dr this year about getting pregnant look how long it took Blake to get pregnant." Ruby asked softly.

"Will I what to enjoy our lives together for a year before getting a baby in the picture. If we have a kid to soon then we can't go out as much. I'd like to see other places together before having a baby." Weiss says.

"That's ok with me, we can start when ever you like." Ruby says back. Weiss kissed her lips gently and deeply. They are in public so they don't over do it. Ruby had her arm around Weiss's waist.

"Oh when we do start having kids I was hoping that we each take a turn carrying one baby. So your good with two right?" Ruby asked. Weiss nodded yes. They just set back and watch the clouds go by. Later Weiss falls asleep in Ruby's arms. Ruby smiled and kissed her forehead as she slept. She watched out the window. Getting excited when she sees the city coming closer to them. Gently waking Weiss up when they are almost there. Weiss looked out the window and smiled big.

"It's so beautiful and we are not even off the airship yet." Weiss says. Minutes later they are asked to move off the airship. Ruby holds Weiss close to her and they walked off the airship. Their breath was taken away by the water fall and the beautiful trees next to the airship landing spot. Ruby stopped and takes her phone out to take a picture of this. Also getting pictures of them together. They get their bags and walked down the street to the hotel that Ruby had booked for them. Weiss notices all the different shops on their way.

"Don't worry we have time to go shopping after getting our hotel room." Ruby says. Weiss face lights up. They checked in and drop off their bags. Ruby takes Weiss hand in her and they go to the closest store. Weiss was in heaven with all the beautiful dress's. Ruby watched her try on different ones. Taking pictures of Weiss as she modelled them for her. They have fun flirting with each other. Weiss decides on just two dresses. They pay for them and go down the street to a different store. This place had clothes that Ruby like to so they take turns trying things on. Weiss got Ruby and her a new suit each.

They have fun modelling it to each other

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They have fun modelling it to each other. After paying for the new outfits. They go back to the hotel to drop off the shopping bags. "Weiss I made us a reservation at a romantic Restaurant. We should ware our new suits to go out." Ruby asked. Weiss agreed and they changed. Weiss was waring new heels so she looked as tall as Ruby. They hold hands as they walked to the restaurant. They got a table for two with candlelight. Ruby takes out a small box and gives it to Weiss. Weiss looked over at her.

"I hope this is nothing dirty." Weiss whispers softly. Ruby blushed at this.

"Oh no it's something I made for you, it was our anniversary a couple days ago but with the wedding and everything I forgot to give it to you, sorry it late." Ruby whispers softly back.

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