Chapter eleven- insecure

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Tw: body shaming (and mentions of anorexia) (remember your beautiful no matter what) (I love you) (you look amazing) you guys are either gonna love or hate dreams sister lmao

Dream opened the door to his parents house, allowing George to walk in. "Wow, their house is big" George looked around. "Yeah, they like to show off to." Dream rolled his eyes as he looked to the gold chandelier on the ceiling.

"Clay! Hi!" Adeline, dreams sister, ran towards him. "Hello, happy birthday!" Dream hugged her, "hi George" she smiled up to George.

Dreams pov~

When adeline said hi to George he just nodded and waved. "Mom and dad are in the backyard, I'll be upstairs with my friends." She ran upstairs after pointing to the kitchen which led to the backyard.

"Ok! Have fun." We walked towards the kitchen, seeing a cake along with wine bottles, cupcakes, decorations and a glass door that showed my parents outside.

"Mom!" I slid open the door and my mom walked toward me with a big smile. "Baby! Hello honey! Hi George! Oh, your so skinny George, we're barbecuing some chicken and there's some other stuff cooking, come here clay." My mom said in basically one breath.

George just looked to the ground with red cheeks. I followed my mom over to a small table next to the jacuzzi, leaving George at the door next to my dad. "Your so fit compared to him" she giggled. "Yeah, hes not to proud of it either," I smiled.

"Well, if he wasn't proud of it he would eat. It's alright though, I'm cooking lots of good things!" She sat down after patting the chair beside her. "He has a fast metabolism so he loses weight quicker than me, it's normal, he's healthy" I snapped at her, quietly though.

"Well, I'm just happy my boy isn't a thin freak" she playfully hit my shoulder. "Mom, come on, he looks fine." I huffed. "Mhm, oh are you gonna swim today? We also got a piñata!" She said cheerfully. "Ye- are you drunk mom?" I asked her. "Well maybe just a little, would you like a drink?" "No.." "yeah you do! Ask your dad, he's great at making drinks!" She laughed,

"Mom, why are you getting drunk on adelines day?" I said leaning back in the chair. "Oh don't be such a party pooper, your friend looks bored over there." She pointed at george who was drinking out of a red party cup. Before I could respond I stood up and walked over to him, was he drinking alcohol?

"Ba- George, what are you drinking?" I asked taking his cup. "Your dad gave it to me" he smiled. "We can't just get drunk on adelines birthday" I huffed. "It's alcohol?" George looked over to my dad. "She doesn't care clay, stop pretending to be mature for your friend." He grinned.

"I'm not- what the fuck is wrong with you guys?" I snapped. "Clay, calm down" George grabbed the cup back. "Don't fucking drink it, this is kids birthday party" I kind of yelled. "George! My friend has a crush on you!" Adeline came rushing outside, followed by other little girls.

"Shut up addy! Stop!" The brunette girl yelled behind her. "George, she said- she said your hot!" Adeline panted. "Oh?" George blushed, I laughed a bit at him being flustered. "Can you shut up?" The girl behind Adeline was very red. "She said you'd look good in a cat boy maid costume" another girl yelled.  "A cat boy maid costume?" George tilted his head.

"Go away Adeline" I laughed. They all ran away laughing. "I'm hot?" George giggled. "Your really pretty, George!" One of the girls yelled before they disappeared.

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