Chapter ten- never alone

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I was rlly tired writing this so it's really not good, I didn't do povs but I don't wanna re write it :(

George moved a little in dreams hold, still asleep but close to waking up. Dream held him tighter, probably because he thought George would get up. George slowly woke up, blinking his eyes over and over to adjust to the light surrounding him.

He wiggled a little more under the blankets as he stretched, realizing he and Dream were naked. He sat up in the bed looking around for clothes and seeing his at the end of the bed. He reached down and grabbed his underwear and slid them on still having dreams arms around his waist.

"Clay, let go" George mumbled as he pulled at dreams arms which just held tighter. "Ughh" George gave up and flopped back on the pillow. Dream smirked. "Your awake, huh?" George rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's sleep in.." Dream had a husky voice that was muffled in the blankets.

"It's.." George looked over to the clock on the night stand. "It's 12.. hey do you think we could go to the store today? You have no food in the fridge and I wanted to cook with you." George asked. "I hate shopping" Dream groaned, "I can tell, but I don't wanna go alone." George frown as he turned to his side and looked at Dream.

"I know, ok I'm sorry, let's go." Dream slowly sat up stretching. "Your naked," George stared at  dreams lower half. "Yup," Dream sounded confident making George giggle, "put these on," George threw underwear that he picked up off the floor. Dream stood up and started getting dress and George started doing the same.

They both went to brush their teeth with dreams head resting on top of George's making George worried Dream would get toothpaste or saliva in his hair.

They both made their ways to the car and began driving towards the market and when they've arrived Dream opened the door for George, as always. George always blushed a little when Dream did that.

Dream had his arm around George, much better feeling than mikes arm. "I need pasta noodles and chicken, but not the chicken on the bones," George scanned the names on the isles. "We're making pasta?" Dream followed behind George. George hummed In response as he focused on where the stuff he needed was.

They were alone in a isle of pasta ingredients. Thoughts of mike flooded his head, when he held him, when he took his phone, when he told him he'd be going to his house. He felt so restricted and small. George looked up to Dream who was staring at his phone, bored and wanting to go home. "Can we get cookies" Dream said as he scrolled on his phone.

I feel so safe around him. George thought, I just wanna hug him and tell him that I don't actually want to go home. When I go home I'll be faced to an eviction paper probably, George zoned out, still staring at Dream.

"Why are you staring at me, cutie" Dream giggled. "I love you" George cooed. Dream looked down at George who was holding a box of bow shaped noodles. "I love you to, can we get the shell shaped noodles? Oh and are we gonna get cookies?" Dream ignored how random George was.

"I love being around you." George mumbled. "Hm? Are you ok?" Dream looked back down. "Yeah,"

They got the noodles they need and later grabbed the sauce. Dream wanted already cooked cookies but George insisted on the dough. They got some more snacks and some food as well and made their way to pay.

George kept comparing how it was being here with mike and dream. The entire time mike would tell him what to get while Dream just followed behind George. Well, of course. Dream was his boyfriend and mike was just some controlling guy from the beach. The point was that he was happy to be with Dream.

He handled situations so well and always made sure George was the one in charge when he wanted to be. That was important to George.

"Alright, let's go." Dream carried the two bags and walked out next to George. It was about 3 pm when they arrived back at the house. "Alright, you make the cookies while I nap, right?" Dream smiled. "No" George hissed. George grabbed two pots. One small and one medium, he put them on the stove after filling them with water. "You don't wanna help?" George turned to see Dream leaning against the wall.

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