Chapter eight- cherry viagra

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This Is probably the farthest I would go when it comes to violence, so tw: choking (nothing to bad tho) , taking advantage of/sexual assault, grabbing, alcohol and smut. It isn't to bad but if your uncomfortable with those things then yea, be careful:)

Dreams pov~

He won't answer any of my calls and it's been 2 hours. I have no clue what store he went to so I can't go there and he took my car. There was nothing I could do but call him over and over. What if he's hurt? I don't know how he could be hurt but he's out on a Halloween night alone.

"Hey, I'm ok." My phone buzzed and it was George texting me. "Where the fuck are you?" I texted back in seconds. "I went to two stores because the first one didn't have what I needed, did you order food?" I felt a huge wave of relief over me. I was hunched over my couch calling him so many times, but he had just been at the store. "No, I'm hungry" I responded.

George's pov~

"No, I'm hungry" George read the message from dream. "I know, I'm really sorry i should be home soon. I love you" George's eyes started to water. Mikes house was clean, but at the same time disgusting. He had grey couches with 2 empty pizza boxes on them. He had bottles full of piss on the coffee table, probably about 8. The house reeked like a bitch.

The house was very dark. Mike made him take off the hoodie he was wearing so he could wear mikes. Mike didn't have a good smell to him. I've said that many times. I sat on the couch, extremely tense. "Hey!" Mike smiled across the living room holding a grey cat. The cat was cute at least. "Wanna hold her?" He held the cat up. "Can I go home?" I didn't look up from my phone.

"Come on, babe, you agreed to come. You wanna leave so soon? I thought you want me to explain to you why I've been texting you so much!" He put the cat down.

"I already know." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah?" He came and sat next to me, making the couch sink and I was forced to get closer to him. "I already know so can I go?" I scooted away. "Your so-" I cut him off. "Small. I get it. I want to leave." I stood up. "Small. Little. Helpless. I've been waiting so long to be alone with you." He stood up to.

He got extremely close to my face, our noses could touch. "I've been thinking about what I'd do if I were this close to you." Mike stared at my lips, his hands made their way to my waist and up my back. He pulled me closer to where he was breathing on me.

"Mike.." I said weakly. He just moaned. "Fuck, say my name again." His eyes closed and my stomach twisted. "What?" I put a hand on his chest to push him away, but he was wayyy to heavy.

"Say my name again. Moan it." His jeans poked at my area, showing he was hard.

"M- mike, please.." I was so disgusted. "Fuck George. Do you know how you sound right now?" I pushed him harder.

"This reminds me! I have some new alcohol! We should drink." He walked to the kitchen. "I have to go home though, Clay is hungry." I whined. "Clay, what a shit name. Your dating a man named Clay?" He poured a drink. mixing the cherry liquor with coke. He probably thought I wasn't looking because he slid a round blue pill in my drink after crushing it.

The powdery substance fell into my drink and made it fizz. He mixed it and walked over to me with a smirk. I just sat down, knowing I was fucked. He placed the drinks down on the coffee table and showed me a blue package that said viagra. (Viagra is stuff that makes you horny, if you didn't know)

my eyes widened and I looked at him. "Viagra and alcohol can't be good together. I can't drink this." I shook my head, he grabbed the hair at the back of my head and pulled me up to his face. "If you resist, your gonna regret the fuck out of it." He growled. He put the cup to my lips. "Your not very good at dates, ya know" he smiled.

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