Chapter twentysix- ugly

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The text thats written like this are flashbacks from the night before. Anyways hi hru ¿

"This is the dumbest Idea you've ever had." Dream blankly stared up at the two boys in front of him. They covered the tv so he was forced to pay attention to them. Alex and George had liquor bottles in their hands ready to chug. They told Dream to time which one could go the longest with out stopping. "Start the timer!" George rushed. "We already know who's gonna win this" Alex scoffed. "Yeah, me." George smirked. "3, 2, 1. Go." Dream hit the start button on the timer and looked back up to his friends.

They stared at each other competitively as they chugged. Alex's face was blank as the burning alcohol went down his throat. George eventually gave up, swallowing and gagging. Dream didn't stop the timer since Alex kept going.

"Dude" he laughed while George plopped beside him on the couch. The other stood in front of the tv chugging until he couldn't . He gasped for air and lifted the bottle to see how much was left. "24.3 seconds." Dream smiled, obviously impressed. "How long did I last?" George said in between breaths.

"Like 10 seconds" Dream shrugged. George threw his head back still taking breaths. "Wooooo!!" Alex lifted his arms. "You didn't even finish the bottle" George commented. "George, no" the blond chuckled. "You guys are both insane when your drunk. Oh shit. I have to take care of you guys.." you could see dreams face drop when he realized.

"Not me, I'm my own man" Alex slurred making George break out laughing. "Enough alcohol for tonight" Dream giggled, standing up and taking the bottles from his friends. The Mexican music still played in the kitchen.

"Sit, I'll get a movie started in a bit" he stepped away to the kitchen being followed by George. Alex let himself fall onto the couch. "Clayyyy" George called. "We have to put all the food away, flies and stuff are gonna get on it." Dream turned to his boyfriend.

"Can you kiss me?" George whispered. "No, help me clean up a bit" the taller put the lid onto a pan of taco meat. George wrapped his arms around Dream and hugged tightly. "I love you" he said muffled. "I love you too, go sit with Alex on the couch." Dream moved a little to get George off.

"Mmmmm" the smaller whined. "George, stop." Dream tried to push the other off of him. He could tell tonight wouldn't be worth it.
The phone continued to ring until the brunette woke up. He opened his eyes and quickly closed them again when the lights from the windows hit. He squinted at the phone beside Dream and then to his knocked out boyfriend. "hey.." George said softly shaking Dream to wake him up.

"Hm?" He hummed. "Someone called you and someone keeps texting you." George said with a raspy voice. Dream rubbed his eyes and picked the phone beside him up. He waited for his eyes to focus on the screen to see 3 missed calls from his mom, 2 messages from his sister and 4 messages from Emma.

"My mom?" Dream said to himself. George was already asleep again beside him. First he opened his sisters message. 'Mom said answer her' Adeline messaged. 'But she's being kinda weird so idk if u should:/'

He slid out of the messages and opened Emma's. 'Hey Clay, I'm really sorry about how I acted. I came off as a bitch and I really didn't mean to.'

'Hey you up?'

'Wanna get coffee later?'

'George can come too:)'

He slightly rolled his eyes and slid out of the messages leaving the girl on read. Dream pulled the blanket off of him and rolled out of the bed with his phone in his hand. He opened and closed the room door quietly to not wake George up again.

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