Chapter two- i saw you

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*smut/ cursing*

After a bit of them swimming, it got a little to cold. The wind was blowing a little to hard making the water uncomfortable to swim in. They got out and dried off, by Dream held the towel around George from behind, warming up George. Once they had all their things together, they went into the car, Dream opening the door for George again of course. Both of their phones were in the cup holder, George's phone buzzed before they pulled out of the parking lot. The message in the phone was from a random number with a message 'hey'.

Dream and George both looked at the phone. The small brunette tried ignoring the text, knowing it was the man from the beach.

Dream glared at George as he was staring out the window. "Your phone, babe." Dream said softly. "Yeah it's ok, I don't wanna be on my phone right now." George mumbled avoiding eye contact. The phone vibrated again. 'It's the guy from the beach' the phone showed. George grabbed his phone and turned it upside down to where neither of them could see it anymore. "What are you hiding, Georgie?" Dream questioned slightly laughing. George shivered at dreams nickname. "I'm not hiding anything.." George's accent was harsh because of his nervousness. "Ok." Dream held the steering wheel slightly tighter making a hard turn, obviously annoyed.

The phone buzzed again. George grabbed it and went to answer it. 'My name is mike btw.' He read the message in his head. I can't talk right now I'll call you tonight. George responded. 'What's your name babe?' George read the message blushing. George. George responded again. The car ride was short and awkward. Dream knew what was going on but held it in till he got home, letting his anger build.

They arrived at dreams house. "I'm so excited to be here for the week." George said smiling at the house. "I'm happy your here, I missed you so much baby, I'm gonna grab your stuff for you, ok? You can go in the house if you want." Dream passed his house keys to George; in the house; "wanna shower?" Dream asked. "What, like together?" George blushed. "That's not what I was leaning towards but if you wanna go there already I mean sure." They both laughed. "Ok, you can go first."

Around two hours later they where both cleaned and cuddled up on the bed with dreams tv shining in front of them. "Today was good, babe." George cuddled into dreams chest. "Yeah? I'm glad. This was your birthday present, you know." George looked up at Dream. "How did you afford it all?" "I'll tell you that the day you leave." Dream snuggled his head into George's hair. George sighed, "ok."

"Can I ask you something..?" Dream turned to make eye contact with George. The small British boy took a deep breath before looking Dream back in the eye. "Why did you give him your number?" Dream did that thing where he stares into George's soul. "I didn't." George gulped. "Yeah? You didn't?" Dream said rising up from the cuddle session. "N-no.." the British boy scooted back towards the head board, trying to get away from dream. The tall man was obviously mad, now showing it.

Dream grabbed George's hand that was helping him scoot back, stopping him from going further. "Lay flat." Dream demanded. George stared at him. "Lay. Flat." Dream said angrily. George scooted down to lay on his back as dream hovered over him, now holding both of George's wrist against the bed holding him down. "Don't fucking lie to me." Dream whispered in George's ear, making George shiver. "I'm n-not.. please.." the small man stuttered. "Please what?" Dream squeezes his wrist tighter. "Believe me." George huffed. Dream just laughed letting go of George, sitting up. "Take off your shirt. And don't make me repeat myself." George did as he was told, and lifted his shirt.

Dream pulled down George's sweatpants and underwear at the same time. George stared up at Dream as he sat there shirtless. George was naked. Dream leaned up closer to George softly pushing on his chest for George to lay back down. "Good boy, first time you listened without making me repeat myself! Your gonna have to start being more obedient with me baby." Dream whispered in the small mans ear. George was as red as a tomato under Dream. Dream kissed George softly turning it more rough as the seconds went by. George of course kissed back, opening his mouth slightly allowing dreams tongue in. The heated make out session went on for a few more seconds till Dream was jerking George's erection making George break the kiss by gasping.

The small man lifted his hips to get more interaction with Dream. Dream stopped to take his off own shirt making George whimper is desperation. George was panting already, making Dream grin. "George.." Dream whispered again In the small British boys ear making George let out a small moan.  "You belong to me, George" dream smirked in his ear. George just nodded thrusting his hips up to touch his hard on to dreams tightening pants. Dream teased George a little more. "Please c-clay" George moaned, tired of dreams games. "What do you want me to do babe?" Dream made a fake confused face. "Touch me more,," George panted with his dick still in the air. "Ima need you to do something for me first." Dream leaned back up. George opened his eyes slightly to look at Dream. Dream was holding George's phone, on the man from the beaches contact with their messages open. George's eyes widened. George tried sitting up to grab his phone, but dream quickly placed his hand on his chest holding him down.

"W-what do you want me to do?" George asked panicking. Dream started to slowly stroke George's throbbing erection. "Calm down baby, I just want you to call him and let him know who you belong to. Easy, right?" Dream smiled. "Ah~mm.." George moaned out nodding. "Good boy. Here." Dream dialed the man, holding the phone to George's ear, still stroking him slowly.

The man answered almost instantly. Dream stared into George's eyes. George tried pushing dreams hand away from his dick so he could properly talk to the man but Dream grabbed his wrist, mouthing the words "no."

"Hello" The man answered excitedly from getting a call from George. "Hey-mm.." George groaned into the phone. "you ok?" The man asked concerned. "Yes! I just. Ahh-.." George moaned slightly louder as dream stoked faster. The man on the phone was quiet. "I just wanted to let you know that, ah,, mmm.. I think your a great looking g-" George tried to finish the sentence, but Dream didn't like where he was going so he squeezed tighter and went faster. George brang his hand to his mouth holding in the loud moan he wanted to let out. Dream grabbed his hand away and continued. "U-uh, a great guy, but I'm actually in- mmm, I'm gonna cum~" George moaned, immediately realizing what he just said over the phone. "Oh. Uh, ok.." the man said softly. Dream laughed a little, amused by George's embarrassment.

"No, no no! I'm sorry I was kidding, what I was saying was your a great, ahh~ guy but I'm actually in a , mmm yes- relationship with someone." George proudly said without messing up (without messing up lol) Dream smiled as he leaned down to George's open ear. "Good boy. Now tell him to never call you again." Dream growled stroking even faster. "Are you being laid right now, George? On call?" The man questioned. "N-no! I'm not. But just so you know, I'm in ~aghh~ mmm..." George was close to releasing, not being able to say what dream told him to. Dream slowed down by a lot, making George whimper thrusting up his hips, begging for more. "Say what I told you to." Dream whispered trying to not be heard. "Go on..? Is this your way of telling me your taken? By getting fucked?" The man sounded annoyed now. 

"Don't call this number, I'm taken and I belong to my boyfriend  clay, I'm his and only his. Aghhhh, mmmmm..." George said all in one breath, cumming at the end. "Ok. Have a good night." The man hung up. Dream smiled, bringing his hand that was covered in cum to his mouth, licking George's seed. "Your so good babe." Dream smiled proudly. George was out of breath, and in sweat. "Did you like that?" Dream tilted his head. "Humiliating." George was able to get out in between breaths. "Did you learn anything?" Dream asked. "I'm yours." George answered correctly. "Yes."
"You haven't came yet, clay." George said, finally catching his breath. "Hm?" Dream hummed confused as George got up quickly switching spots with Dream.

"You haven't came yet." George smiled above Dream.

Hi, hello, hey. This is my first time writing smut lmao sorry if it's not the greatest. This account is pretty new so no one knows my story's exist yet:) so if your reading this, thank you:)) should I make a part three or something or like make a whole story of George's trip or something ?? Also idk if there's any typos, I type really fast without thinking what I'm gonna even write next lol but anyway I hope u liked it

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