Chapter sixteen- just a special friendship

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I walked back inside the restaurant and went up to my table where George sat. He was talking to our waiter, which was a boy that was around George's height and had black fluffy hair and freckles. "Hello sir! I'm your waiter!" He looked up from George to me.

His name tag said Jacob. "Hey" I sat down. I waited for the waiter to leave to tell George the news. "I don't want anything." I smiled up at him. "Alright, I'll be back with your pasta!" He smiled back and walked away. "You don't want anything?" George turned to me, confusion stained his face.

"It's Vanessa. Don't get mad, I hate her so much but she's crying and said she has no one else." I said quickly before George could say anything. He just stared at me blankly, a disappointed look. "I'm sorry" I played with the bottom of my shirt. "It's fine," he took his phone out of his pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. "Nothing" he started typing. "How come you never told me I got evicted? You answered my landlord and cussed him out saying you were me." His words made my heart pound. "Oh, because we already decided you would stay here" I said with a smile. His eyes shot to mine, still a blank face. "No we didn't"

He stood up. "You can wait for the food. I'm not hungry," he left. I rested my head in my arms, crossed on the table. "Hey, sir" I heard our waiter above me. "Oh hi" "are you doing alright?" He asked. "Yeah, can I have that to go actually?" I asked back. "For sure, I'll go get some to go boxes and your check" he smiled and waddled away.

I pick up my phone and read my messages. 'Clay' Vanessa texted. 'I feel so horrible, are you still coming?' The text bubble kept popping up. I sighed, putting my phone in my pocket as the waiter walked back to me. "Here you go" I signed the check and moved the food to the boxes and left. I saw George on the phone smiling.

"George" I unlocked the car. "I'll be there in a bit, bye" he hung the phone up. "Who was that?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Alex, I'm gonna go over to his house and help him clean. Supposedly there's still drunk people that won't leave." He giggled. "Oh. I'll take you there." I opened the door for him then went to mine.

After a few silent minutes I arrived to Alex's house, George smiled at me. He avoided my kiss goodbye and jumped out. I frowned at it, I know what he's thinking about me going to Vanessas but I don't want to go. She's sad and only has me. And believe me, I find it random that all the sudden she only has me.

I drove to Vanessas seeing her sitting on the steps with her head in her arms. I quickly parked and jumped out. "Vanessa, hey!" I called. She lifted her head, her eyes lit up. "Hey, let's go inside, it's cold." Her eyes were red and puffy.

I lifted her up and held her around her waist as we walked into the house. I followed her to her room, she plopped on the bed and looked up at me. "Hi Vanessa. What's wrong?" I sat beside her. "Your so sweet" she stared into my eyes with a soft smile.

"You act like you hate my guts but you'd do anything for me at the same time. Your such a sweet boy" she tilted her head. My face went hot as I avoided eye contact. "Well, of course I don't hate you. I'm just not over everything. It was a lot to deal with and seeing you wasn't what I wanted to do" I looked down to hide my blushed face.

She reached a hand out and lifted my face up from my chin. "You don't hate me?" She asked. I softly shook my head. "No, I just hate the stuff you do. It stresses me out" I tried to focus, but her fingers dragged along my jawline. "You know why I'm crying?" She asked. "N-no" I stuttered. "I felt alone, when it was you and me you'd never let that happen." Her fingers went into a palm on the side of my face.

At this point, all I could think was George. I stared into her eyes wishing they were the brown ones I loved so much. I listened to her voice imagining it was the soft British one I always hear. The one that calmed me down so much. I looked at her chest, picturing the pale smooth one I loved kissing.

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