Chapter twentyone- its not your fault

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Rlly didn't know what pic to do but WOW thanks for 30k views that's insane:) enjoy the chapter <3

"Hey, Clay" Jesse shook Dreams arm. "Your falling asleep" she said once Dreams eyes opened. He looked over to where his sister was. She was asleep. "It's 4 am" she said. Dream rubbed his eyes and sat up. Jesse looked wide awake still.

"Ok... I'm gonna head to bed then, get some sleep" Dream stood up and tossed the blanket that he had over his sister. "Goodnight" she smiled innocently. He looked at her and thought about it. "Don't get Adeline in any more trouble" he raised his eyebrows at her.

"I won't, I promise" Jesse nodded before Dream went down the hall and to his room. He flicked the lights on to see an alone George cuddling his pillow. Dream huffed a small laugh before closing the door and turning the lights back off. He picked his phone up to see it was 4:32 am.

He sighed at it and let himself into bed. Going to sleep at 4 am to go to work at 9 couldn't be good. And then the worst thing happened. He was wide awake again.

Staring at the unclear ceiling. The only light was the moon outside that shone into the room. He turned to his side to spoon George. George squirmed a bit and turned over. He clung onto Dream. "Babe" George mumbled. "Hi" Dream smiled even though it was to dark to see.

George cuddled into dreams clothed chest which usually was bare. "I'm sorry" George's voice was muffled yet apologetic.  "Don't be. I was wrong, I should have gotten a better work schedule. I'll work on it." Dream closed his eyes and held George tighter.

"No" George pulled away from Dream. "No no" George sat up. You couldn't see him but he laid flat beside Dream, out of his arms. "Stop. It's not always your fault. You're not always wrong, you're not bad, you're not... you're ... you're perfect." George admitted.

He thought back to what he told Alex. The only thing he remembered so clearly. "I hate that you don't see how hard you work. Even with Vanessa" George took it as his chance to get everything out.

"You told me how hard you tried and how you blamed every bad thing about your relationship on yourself when it was never your fault." George frowned at the memory.

"She slept with my friend and- and she said it was my fault." Dream sobbed over the phone. "She said I'm always at work and I ignore her. But- I- she told me to have more jobs so I can pay for her. Why is this happening!" George could hear Dream in so much pain on the other side of the phone.

"I loved her. I trusted her and everything. I got 2 hours of sleep everyday for her. I'm such a horrible person, why wasn't I there for her more?..." Dream cried hard, George didn't know what to say. Was Dream that blind to think it was his fault? Dream obviously still liked her and it would be out of George's place to call her a bitch like he wanted to so badly.

"George?" Dream sniffled, wanting to make sure his best friend was still there. "Yes?" George ran his hand through his hair. "It hurts.." Dream was curled up in the corner of his dark room. "I know. I'm sorry." George wanted to say so much more.

"You did nothing wrong. I'm here for you." George said. He sat back in his chair. "I love you" Dream said as a tear rolled down his cheek. To nervous to say anything back, George stayed quiet. Dream closed his eyes and felt his throat burn. Again, sobbing into the phone and George just listened.

"I wish you knew that day that it was her fault and not yours." George sighed. Dream knew exactly what day George was talking about.

George never knew how it hurt Dream when George didn't say I love you back. Dream took in everything George just said. "I guess I know now. At the time I believed everything that she had told me." Dream stared at the black silhouette of his boyfriend.

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