Chapter nineteen- confessed and confused

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The whole day was a mess. Dream and George called Vanessa to confront her but failed miserably. She denied everything and Dream, being his ignorant self, believed her. Not completely of course.

It was sunset, dream and George were laughing the hardest they ever had. Dreams wheezes making it impossible for George to stop laughing.

The tv screen was bright in their faces as they cuddled up under the blankets. Dream had to work in the morning and George hated it but came to the conclusion in his head he's just have to get used to it.

"What time do you have work?" George said after giggling, turning the conversation.

"9 am, is that to early? Your gonna wake up alone" Dream frowned. George looked up to the man beside him, pouting. "Yeah, that's ok" George smiled.

He lifted his hand from under the blanket the move the hair out of Dreams eyes. Making eye contact.

Dream smiled and wrapped his arm around the smaller man. It was about 6 and Dream was planning on going to bed at 10. His job wasn't a serious one or a big deal but he was excited about it.

After hours of them kissing and cuddling along with sweet giggles from dumb jokes. Dream started yawning and so was George. George didn't want Dream to go to sleep because he knew he'd wake up alone.

They got ready to go to bed but George didn't. Once they were ready to fall asleep George got up, leaving the snoring Dream alone. He put one of Dreams hoodies on and walked out of the house. The hard wind blew in his face when he closed the door.

Not having an exact plan he waddled down the side walk. The seemingly asleep town was peaceful besides the howling breezes.

The only plan he had was to think. Everything has been moving so quickly and he wanted to stop and think.

George wanted nothing more but to stay in Florida with Dream. Get a job, maybe get a better house and get a few pets. Leaving back to England would be hard. He'd have to move back in with his mom and he hated that idea.

He considered leaving Dream which he knew wouldn't be possible. His phone buzzed as his vision blurred with tears. He pulled it out and sniffled. 'Heyyyy wyd?' Alex texted.

'Hey I'm just walking' George lifted his arm to wipe his wave from the tears he tried holding back for no reason. 'Oh ok cool why are you walking? What's Clay doing I'm bored and he won't answer me' Alex asked. George was far from the house now, having no clue where he was going.

He was now almost out of the neighborhood and reaching building and random shops. The lights in his face. 'He's asleep, I'm just getting some air and think about stuff' George texted. 'Are you ok Georgie?'

Am I ok. 'I am' the tears that piled in his eyes told him other wise. 'Want to come over?' Alex offered him. The idea wasn't really bad and George hated being alone when he was sad. He hated being left to his thoughts without a distraction.

'Ok' George sent his location and sat at a bus stop bench. Smelling Dreams scent from the hoodie made him miss Dream more. Regretting leaving. A women came and sat beside George. She looked around 17 or something and wore basic clothes.

She pulled her phone out and started calling someone. "Hey mom" she said. "I don't have any money, I'm using the rest of mine to get something to eat. I'm sorry." She explained. George decided he'd just listen. "I- I know. I'm sorry I'm just really hungry"

"Fine. You can have it." She hung her phone up and looked the other way, sniffing. George glanced over to see her holding in sobs. "A-are you ok?" George spoke up.

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