Chapter nine- happy birthday, george.

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Hella smut:)

George woke up with the blinds wide open, a streak of light in his eyes. It's my birthday. He thought. He looked over to Dream but he wasnt there. "Hmm.." George hummed. He got up and opened the door. The clock on the wall said 11:12.

"Clay..?" George called in the hall. "Baby! Happy birthday!!" Dream greeted George as he walked into the kitchen. George smiled and wrapped his arms around Dream. "Ok, come here. Sit here." Dream pulled out a chair at the table.

There's were five presents wrapped, four of them were small and one medium sized one. George smiled at them. "Are you hungry?" Dream asked

"no, but can I have water?" George looked up to him. Dream went to grab a water, "how early did you wake up?" George asked observing everything on the table.  "Guess." Dream handed him an Aquafina water.

"8 am..?" George guessed as dream pulled out a white box. "What's that?" George furrowed his brows. "Cake! Your gonna love the design" dream opened a cabinet and got a 2 party hats and another box. "I wanna see," George reached for the box Dream said was the cake. "Wait, not yet" Dream stopped him and handed him a blue party hat. He opened the other box which was green.

Inside were chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. Some had green frosting and a green plastic ring that said dream and the other ones had blue frosting with a plastic ring that said George. "Want one?" Dream pointed to the box.

"Custom cupcakes?!" George smiled brightly. "Yea!" Dream returned the smile showing George the cupcakes. "I want a Dream one." Dream handed George a chocolate dream cupcake. "Ok, so there's a few things we can do today. We could watch a movie, go to the beach, stay here and chill unless you have your own idea?" Dream said before taking a bite into his George cupcake.

"I don't wanna go to the beach, maybe stay here and chill." George peeled the paper off as he finished the cupcake. "Really? But it's your- actually that's ok, theres some stuff I got you that I wanted you to see anyway. Wanna open your presents now?"

George nodded obnoxiously as he set the cupcake wrapper next to him, grabbing another. "Ok which one first." Dream grabbed the presents and placed them in front of George. "Umm, the big one." He grabbed the big one and looked at Dream. "Open it!" Dream pulled out a chair next to George.

Dreams phone started to ring, he pulled it out and saw it was George's mom. "Hey!" Dream answered, "hey there, is George with you? He's not answering any of us.." George's mom said with a sad tone. "Oh, right, his phone is actually broken, but yeah he's here." Dream passed the phone to George.

"Mum!" George yelled. "Happy birthday sweet heart! How is everything?" His mom yelled over the phone.

They talked for a while until George was bored on the phone and finished opening the present while him mom talked. His eyes widened and he gasped looking at Dream. It was a blue headset with small designs on it. The tag said 200 dollars.

Dream had gotten an 1000 dollar loan from one of his friends actually so he could buy things. "Ok, well I'll leave you to it. Bye darling!" They said their good byes and hung up.

"200? How? Why?" George furrowed his brows smiling at the same time. Dream shrugged and passed him another present. "Do you like them?" "How is that even a question! I love these!" George set them aside and opened the present Dream handed to him wrapped in purple paper.

Dream had a sly smirk on his face and George unwrapped it. "You.. uh.." George laughed nervously as he stared at the red fuzzy handcuffs. "Interesting." He looked at them reading all the labels. "It's extra kinky." Dream laughed. "We're using these? For what..?" George asked. "You know what George." Dream rolled his eyes.

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