Chapter six- you dont scare me

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tw: violence (yelling?)

Clay started to yell. He doesn't mean it he doesn't mean it he doesn't mean it. I repeated in my head. I drowned out clays yelling and zoned out staring into his eyes. They were usually bright green but now their gloomy and dark, hardly any color.

It's like I heard a high pitched ring in my ear. The flight here was shaky and I only woke up a few times. There was a guy that sat next to me, he was skinny, like me. He was blonde and had a nice style. I wonder why he was going to Florida.

I came back to reality and I was still sitting on the bed, I was now alone in the room and my phone wasn't in my hand anymore.

It was silent so I got up and left the room looking for Clay. I'm not dumb, I know this isn't good. I've actually been thinking about how I should probably leave him before he thinks that this is ok with me.

I heard something shatter across the hallway in the kitchen. That better not be my fucking phone. I walked a bit faster and saw clay sitting in the table going through the phone with a broken glass next to him. The mug I gave him... it had his cat patches printed on it. Patches. Where is patches. Why haven't I noticed this before.

"This guy is fucking insane over you and your ok with it. Your ok with it. You hate me." His voice was shaky. "Your insane." I shouted. He looked over to me. "Don't talk to me like that when I have your phone in my hand." he threatened me.

"Give me my phone. I'm leaving," I walked up to him, adding in confidence which just wasn't natural.

I tried to come off as fearless but I was horrified. I don't want to have to be scared of him, I really didn't expect this when I came here. The lights in the house were off, the only light was from the backyard porch. "Yeah? And where are you going?" He stood up and towered over me. Mikes. "Back home." I backed up a bit.

He kept getting closer, his facial expression was very confusing, at first he looked like he was walking toward me to kill me, but then it faded to a weak frown. "no.." he sounded so sad. "Why..? I- I didn't mean to- I.. I'm not..." he looked down, realizing what he's done.

Dreams pov~

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What am I doing? Why am I so aggressive, he's so small, he has a right to be scared of me. I don't deserve him. Why am I like this. He kept backing away from me and looked scared. What have I done.

"I didn't mean to scare you, baby.." I reached my hands out to grab his face.

"Why are you changing up so.. weirdly..?" He grabbed my hands to move me, "I'm so sorry... I know I'm being to much, but I'm trying my hardest. You have to understand, I can't control it. It's not your fault, I promise." I moved his hand and brang him into a hug. He didn't hug back which made my tears I was desperately holding back fall out.

George brang his hands up to hug me back. "I-it's fine... you don't scare me.." he lied. "Can you just.. stop taking my phone like I'm a child...?" George tried to get out of the hug. I knew I couldn't promise that, I really want to obey his wishes but it's hard. "Don't fucking leave me.." I sobbed.

"I'm not! Calm down, I'm not leaving." He went back into the hug. "Why can't you just.. block him... he's the reason we're going through this, he's obsessed with you. I hate him." I held onto him tighter. "Ok, I will! Let me get my phone." He pushed me off and went to his phone.

George's pov~

I can't delete his number. Ok, ok, I know your probably like why? But clay is getting more and more aggressive and it's genuinely scaring me. Mike can be my escape for when I need it.

I screen shotted mikes number before clay came over to my shoulder to watch me delete it. I tapped on his name and and clicked block. I don't like this. I went to delete. I hate this. I turned my phone off and out it in the table and turned to clay. "Done." I smiled. I didn't mean to show I was annoyed, but before he could even smile back I pushed past him to the bedroom.

"O-ok... babe?" Clay called behind me. I ignored him and went to the bed. He followed behind me.

"Your mad. Why? Do you want his number? Why?" Dream started to over think.

I started getting overwhelmed by his reaction, "no, no I'm really tired. It's like 10." I fake yawned. "It's 9." He looked annoyed, "I-ima go see your.. phone.." he turned and went to the kitchen. He saw me delete and block the number. Why is he checking my phone, if he goes to my camera roll I'm fucked.

I sat there in the bed, staring hard at the front door. I focused on the breezes that hit me from the opened window. I heard him walking back so I instinctively pulled the blanket to my nose, hiding. He walked in and stared at me. I started breathing hard. He got closer "I-I'm sorry! Don't- I'm sorry.." I panicked as he sped over to me.

"What? No-no.. stop George. Am I that bad?" He stoped and passed my phone to me. I dropped the blanket. "No your not bad, I'm just tired, I don't know.." I was embarrassed, "ok.. well then let's just go to sleep.. alright?" He smiled and crawled into bed. I nodded and cuddled into him.

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