Chapter twentyeight- his new distraction

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Sorry for the wait, I've been taking care of my sick mom :0

Tw: homophobia & violence (abuse) slight smut :)

"Your family is more important than our relationship.." George said, looking at Dream with big eyes. The blond stared down at him for a few seconds, seeing if he meant what he thought he did. "what?" Dream huffed a small laugh as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"How do we stay together when your mom is- your mom doesn't.." he stuttered, but Dream for sure knew what he was saying now. "Who cares about my mom, why- why are we even talking about this? What about what Alex did?" He spoke a lot quicker, tripping over his words as they nervously came out. Trying to shut George up.

George sighed deeply, exhaustingly covering his face with his palms. "I've been wanting to go home... for a while now anyways. I feel like we've been falling out and.." he moved his hands to look at the blond.

His face looked scared and panicked, yet too calm at the same time. "You have?"

George nodded sheepishly. "Okay." Dream nodded, too. He stepped away, grabbing his keys and his phone off his bed as George just watched, furrowing his eyebrows with confusion. Dream pushed George aside from in front of the door like nothing and walked out. Alex glanced up to the blond as he stormed out the front door, slamming it hard enough for the neighbors to hear.

"What the fuck?" Alex jumped from the loud noise. George quickly came out the room and opened the front door, looking for Dream but the car had already sped off and it was loud. "Shit" he closed the door. "What's going on?" Alex asked. "I don't know! I was talking to him and he just pushed me and left!" George gushed as he pulled his phone out and started typing.

"What did you say?"

George ignored him, making it seem as he was busy trying to get a hold of Dream when really, he couldn't repeat what he said. He didn't even mean it. "I didn't mean it." He spoke while still typing, spamming his boyfriend.


(Typos are intended)

"I didn't mean it I swear"
"Idont want tp go hme"
"Stop driving so fast"
"Please I didn't mean it"
"I dint wsnt to go"
"Don't get hurt"
"Please dnt hurt yoir self I didn't mean it"
"Just cime tslk to me"

He spammed and spammed until he was about to make himself cry, Alex joining him at his side and beginning to call Dream.

"No! Stop!" The young girl cried. Dreams mom was tearing down Adelines rainbow flag, stuffing it into a trash bag. She held her phone in her hand tight. Knowing that's what her mom wanted next. She was right, the mom came up to her with her hand out for her phone. "Your case. I know what it means. Give it to me." The girls eyes widened, not expecting her to know.

She slowly peeled it off, handing it over. "Your phone too? I said you cannot talk to clay. That means you can't talk to anyone."


Her dad busted into the room yelling. "You are not going to talk to clay! You hear me?! He's the reason you think your gay!" He said pointing at the girl. He screamed so loud even scaring his wife. Adeline was trembling in fear now. Her dad knew? How? Every blink, a tear fell.

He aggressively snatched the phone out of her shaking hands. "This phone is the reason to" he said in an intimidating low raspy voice. The man lifted the phone in front of her face and snapped it in half, pieces flying everywhere. Adeline quickly covered her eyes as pieces of the shattered glass hit her. "Agh!"

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