Chapter twentythree-sick

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I didn't know what the pic should be again LMAO (as you can tell, I love gumball) but I always wonder, do u guys watch the streams? Like George's and Dreams? Because when I'm on the stream people comment on the story's and I'm like whyyy aren't they watching George 👀

CRAP another short chapter :( it's been 6 days and I've been writing out how I want the story to continue and I just wanted to post something already :/

Anyway if u read this ur pretty cool I think

"You overdosed?" Emma furrowed her eyebrows as she tied her hair in a low bun. "Yes I took 6 of the pills, what's gonna happen?" Dream rushed. "Um... y-you'll be fine, how long ago did you take them?" The girl approached Dream closer.

"Last night at like 2 am. When I woke up I felt fine though but it said only one a day." Dream followed her with his eyes until she stood in front of him. George just watched to see if his boyfriend was ok.

Emma tilted his chin up and to the side, staring into the green eyes. "Your pupils are kind of dilated. Your probably just gonna throw up later." She let go and and walked back to her spot. George glanced away for a second. "I don't like throwing up" Dream pouted at the smaller.

"Hm.." George looked to the side at the basic medicine displayed on the counter with the white light showing them off. "I think you'll be fine, it's not that bad." George said when he couldn't find anything. "Are you going to the store?" Dream asked and wrapped a hand around his stomach, placebo affect.

"Oh, yeah. You don't have to give me your card though. I have money." George smiled. "Your sure?" Dream narrowed his eyes at the smaller. "Yes." George nodded. "Can you eat something today? You didn't eat yesterday." Dream frowned.

"I did, you were at work."

"What did you eat then?" Dream huffed a small laugh. "Ok, I'll eat today." George smiled. "Good boy." George widened his eyes a bit at the name. They said their good byes and George left with the headache pills he had in hand.

He took Dreams car to a grocery store near by leaving Dream at his boring job. "I'm so tired" he said, watching his car drive off.

"Energy drink?" She offered, her voice was sweet and worried. "Yes please." Dreams head was buried in his arms on the desk. "What happened last night?" She stood beside Dream now, handing him the small bottle.

"Nothing, just stayed up late. I couldn't really sleep." Dream completely lied. Knowing exactly that's not what happened, he didn't think it was right to talk to Emma about it, who was still kind of a stranger.

"I hate nights like those." She stayed next to him. It went silent, only her slow breaths making noise. Dreams eyelids were becoming heavy, paying attention to the soft perfume that came off of the girl. "I want you to be ok," Dream opened his eyes to look up at her.

"Are you?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Dream smiled a bit. "Are you gonna drink it?" She pointed to the energy shot. "Uh, no actually. Its nasty" Dream slid it back in front of her. "You have hours to go through, are you sure?"

It started to become an overwhelming feeling having her ask so many questions, forcing truth out of him. "Don't worry about me" he said lazily. "Alright~" she turned back to where she sorted stuff.

It was 9 something am and no one had entered the shop yet. It wasn't a super busy day. Actually, all Dream could think about was eating with George again. The nice smell of cooked chicken, how cute he looked when he was fed, how sweet he felt when they cuddled.

The fuzzy feeling laced through his body. He finally let his eyes close thinking he'd just close them and not fall asleep which he failed at. He began drifting off and it felt nice.

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