Chapter four- bad liar

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I read a violent dnf story and I'm so inspired and it's so not good but it is at the same time. I really like it, it's deleted now tho but iykyk *strong language and a lil bit of smut*

"Clay? Did you nod? Why are you crying?" George put his hand on his shoulder. Dream lifted his head, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I know your not cheating on me..." Dream made eye contact with George. George thought about how he considered going on a small date with mike (guy from the beach). "Yeah, I'm not. Do you have anger problems..?" "Yes. I'm sorry for not telling you before you came, I thought you wouldn't want to come, and then I would feel really bad because I've been planning to fly you out here for like, I think 4 months now, an-" Dream was cut off by George. "It's fine, relax." George picked up his shattered phone. "It's almost 3 am. Let's go to sleep now?"George asks while his free hand massages his shoulder. Dream nods and goes the the top of the bed bringing the blankets over him and pulling George in close.

George's pov~

I woke up expecting dream to be beside me but he wasn't. I reached under the pillow where I had placed my phone last night, but it wasn't there. I got up stretching and walked to the bedroom door. I was welcomed to the sweet smell of pancakes. I walked in the kitchen to see Dream, shirtless, flipping pancakes. I walked up next to him, peaking at the food in the pan. "Hey beautiful." Dream looked down to me smiling. "Hey, good morning." I yawned. "Do you know where my phone is?" Dream tilted his head towards the counter, telling me to look there. I looked behind me and saw a phone there, not cracked.

No ones pov~
"Did you- how early did you wake up?" George said trying to hide the excitement in his voice. "I fixed it." Dream turned around and walked towards George with a plate of confetti pancakes. "Yeah, you did. Thank you so much!" George grabbed the plate and put it down and gave Dream a tight hug. He hugged back, then walked back to the stove to serve himself. George began happily scrolling through notifications. I clicked on mikes name. 'Come on, just tell me you don't want to. I hate being ignored george.' George cringed while reading. 'Did you think moaning in the phone would get me to not like you anymore?' George blushed hard. What the hell is up with him..? George thought. He began typing back. 'Hey" George responded. 'Hey! I'm so sorry if I seem so needy, it's not often you meet someone so cute lol' he responded within seconds. George sighed and began typing. 'It's ok, my phone was lost for a bit so I couldn't reply. But I would be up for a date.' George hesitantly responded, shooting his eyes up at Dream between every two words.

Dream was peacefully pouring syrup on his pancakes. How am I going to go on this "date"... I can't say I'm going out because why would I have personal plans while visiting... George thought. 'Really?? That's great. When are you free?' George smiled at his excitement. What the fuck am I doing. George thought. 'Is 9pm to late?' He asked. '9 o'clock it is, what's your address baby?' George proceeded to tell him more information, then slid his phone into the pockets of his sweat pants when Dream started talking. "Are you going to eat? Oh and what did you want to do today? I was thinking the mall, or maybe target, we could grab some cool stuff there." Dream asked after taking a big bite. "The mall sounds pretty Pog " George smiled and started to eat. "Yesss you picked the option I want!" Dream smiled big, with food in his mouth. "Ew close your mouth, not pog!" They both laughed

Time skip;)

It was about 1 pm, George and dream walked around the mall for 2 hours with 4 full bags on them from shopping. George was having so much fun, he's completely lost track on how much Dream has been spending on him

Dreams pov~

It was hard to calm myself down when I knew that George was texting that dude this morning. But I know that if I confronted him I wouldn't be able to to keep in my anger in when he lies. I know he's just being nice to him and doesn't want that guy to feel bad. I feel so horrible for hurting him last night. He doesn't know but the pay check I've been using to pay for all this was completely gone. I'm using savings now, but I don't want him to worry. I'm glad he's here and I'm trying to not scare him away. I fucked up by admitting to having anger issues, I didn't mean to but I was emotional and embarrassed. George noticed that I was zoned out and drowning in my thoughts. "Hey clay, are you tired of walking around?" George looked up to me smiling. "You read my mind." I laughed. We both sat down at a bench in the middle of the mall, in a not so crowded area.

We set our bags down and both grabbed our phones. I was scrolling through Twitter, but I couldn't help but look over at George's phone.

Mike: heyyyy whatcha doin?

George: nothing, just chillin

Mike: i thought you were busy till 9 ahahah I caught you

George: not busy just don't feel like going out rn lol

I read the messages and started feeling my face heat up. Till 9? What was happening at 9? "George, I need you to be honest with me." I took my arm away from around his back. He quickly put his phone to his side. "Are you still talking to him? I have a feeling you are and I'm overthinking." I lied, I already knew he was. "What? no." He lied through his stupid fucking smile. Why does he need to lie to me?

No ones pov~

Dream and George arrived at home. It was 7:30. Dream was paying attention to George and the time. They talked and watched some random shows while cuddled up. The clock hit 8 o'clock, George got up. "I'm gonna shower. You should go to sleep, when I get out I'll go to sleep next to you." George grabbed a towel out of dreams closet. "Yeah? I should go to sleep?" Dream looked up at George. "If you want to, you should because we were like, you know shopping all day.. are you tired?" George became nervous thinking his plan won't work. "Not that tired." Dream sat up with a smile. "Can I shower with you?" Dream asked softly. George turned red, they hadn't done that yet, and George needed him asleep. "Uhm.. if- if you insist..?" Dream jumped up and went to grab his own towel and clothes. George watched him as he panicked (panics in gay lmao) What do I say.. George felt caught. "I'm going somewhere at 9." George blurted out.

Fuck. He instantly regretted saying that. "Oh? You made plans?" George gulped and nodded. "Hmm, you know people here in Florida? I didn't know, where are you going? Oh do you need a ride?" Dream walked towards George. "No, sh-shes picking me up." He lied about the gender so there's less suspicion. "What her name?" Dream got a bit closer. "Her name? Oh, uhm.. it's, uhh.." he started panicking. "Your an idiot. Why are you going to see him George. For what? For a fucking date? I flew you out to Florida and this shit happens?" Dream stood in front of George. Dream is usually such a soft nice guy. If he wanted to do anything to hurt George, he could, but he wouldn't, right? "It's not a date" George started backing up. "Go in the shower George." George spins around to head to the bathroom.

George's pov~

He's mad again. He never seemed this angry over text or call, or even when we've met up with nick and Daryl. This is all so new to me and I'm actually freaked out by it. His anger is triggered by jealousy, I wouldn't call him abusive, just jealous. I started undressing and turned the water on. His shower was actually pretty big. I stepped in and closed the shower door. Dream was really mad, so if he came in the shower he'd probably not be nice, thankfully I think he's gonna stay there and wait his tu-

Dream walked into the bathroom. He had a bit of aggressiveness to his walk. I quietly watched. He settled his stuff down and walked over to open the shower door. I looked up at him as he stepped in and smiled. "Hey cutie." Dream smiled. "Are you mad, Clay?" I asked softly. "Nah, i mean like your plan was kind of stupid so it wouldn't have worked anyway." He grabbed a shampoo bottle and put some on his hand and some on my head. "I'm a bit disappointed that you tried to go on a date with him, it's almost like you actually like him, ahaha!" I started to rub the shampoo In my hair. "I don't like him, it wasn't gonna be a date I just wanted to make him feel better and kindly reject him over a meal." I said as I lifted my hands to my hair.

Dream grabbed my wrist softly and put them away from my head, he started to scrub my head for me. I began to relax. "That would be the third time you rejected him. Over call, which is my personal favorite, on text and now in real life? What's next, in bed?" Dream asked sarcastically, bringing his hands lower to scrub the sides of my head. I closed my eyes and tilted my head down. "No." I responded. "Good." He said with a smile. I opened my eyes and my stare met with dreams member. It was... hard? My eyes widened and I looked up to him. "What? Put your head back down I wanna wash the back of your hair. Actually here, turn around it'll be easier that way." Dream directed.

No ones pov~

George became really flustered and turned around like dream told him to. Dream leaned forward scrubbing George's hair. His dick poked at George's ass. (Omfg this is so embarrassing to write my friend reads my story's help) George's eyes widened. Dream knew what he was doing. Dreams hands made their way to George's waist. George let out a soft moan. He began getting hard as well.

Ok ok ok listen ima make another part tomorrow continuing from here but I already have 1,825 words lmao
Next part is smut:)

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