Chapter five- to needy

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*Smut, strong language, like beating ig,* if you know me, no you don't.

(Continued from last chapter)

Dreams hands glided down George's torso to his waist while his hard on pressed against George. George brings his hands to his hair and tilts his head more in the water to rinse off the shampoo.

They both heard George's phone start to ring. George turns his head and froze listening to the ring and began to worry. "Awww are you worried your little secret is going to be sad over you not answering?" Dream says in a low voice, kissing down George's neck.

"No, he was going to pick me up" George panicked. "I still cant believe you were about to do that." George looked back down. "But what if he comes and I can't open the door.." George said, now sounding a bit sad.

Dream started to nibble on George's soft skin, giving hickey to the spots George squirmed most to, noting those were his sensitive spots.

"Don't think about him right now, this is our time." Dream continued to mark up George, his hand now on George's thighs.

George started to loosen up and melt into dreams kisses, till a few seconds after they both hear a knock at the front door. Dream quickly realized it was mike. He lifted one of his hands to George's dick and started to stroke fast.

"Mik- Clay! Mmmm.." (a lot of comments say he almost moaned mikes name which isn't true, he was trying to remind Dream or tell him that Mike is waiting) George was caught off guard by dreams sudden actions. Dream turned George around. "This will make him realize you had better plans~" Dream said so seductively staring into George's dark brown eyes. He then bent down, making eye level with George's, now hard, member.

He started to lick the tip, then look up to George. George's face was a deep shade of red, both from embarrassment and pleasure. His lips were shut tight, due to him knowing he was about to moan and also knowing Dream didn't want him to cover his mouth with his hands. Dream wanted George to be loud.

George had one hand on a bar that was in the shower, holding on tight. His other hand was against the shower wall. The knocks on the door were harder and the phone ringing was repetitive.

Dream took the whole thing into his mouth, letting it hit the back of his throat. (I'm so embarrassed I'm sorry) He began to bob his head up and down at a slow pace, knowing George hates slow. George unconsciously put his hand on dreams head, gripping his hair and pushing his head a bit deeper.

Dream smiled around George's hard erection. He moaned on it to, make George squirm and moan. George couldn't keep in his Moans anymore, all that was coming out were muffled whines. Unexpectedly George let out a loud moan. "Ah- mmm Clay- faster" he put the hand that was holding tightly on dream hair to his mouth. "Fuck" George moaned in his hands.

Dream swirled his tounge all over George's member. Mike now realizing there was a door bell, the door bell started to ring continuously. He as obviously not going to give up. Dream took his mouth off of George. Pre cum dripped from George's shaft. George swung his head back against the wall, annoyed he wasn't able to finish. "What the fuck did you do to his to make him want you this bad?" Dream looked up to George.

George brang his hand down to jerk himself off. Dream grabbed him by the wrist and pinned it against the wall, still kneeled down. He put his other hand on George's twitching dick and took it whole. Bobbing his head much quicker now. "Ah- ah- ah- mmmm!" George was loud. Now loud enough to where mike could hear from outside the front door. George was very close.

Mikes pov~ but like rewinded a bit

I pulled up to the house. It stood out a bit because of it was one of the only one story houses on the block. I looked at my phone and back at the house making sure the address was right. I saw a white car in the driveway.

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