Chapter three- anger issues

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Strong language and hella violence (pretty angst) tw of abuse I guess? Idk if it's like actually abuse tho,, I also changed my style in writing because I was told that it was weird, so I hope you like it:)

"What, your gonna top me, George?" Dream laughed. "You don't think I can?" George's eyebrows pinch together. "No, no, you can but not dominantly" Dream explains. "Really?" George says in a seductive tone. Dream pushes himself back on top of George. "Baby, I came already."  George just stared at Dream. "How?" George tilts his head. "You were enough to make me." Dream smiles.

George laughs, pushing Dream away from caging him down on the bed. "I'm going to take a shower." George sits up. "I'm going to take a showa" Dream mocks his accent. George turns to him with a blank face.
"Your accent is so cute." Dream smiles. George rolls his eyes and goes to shower.

About an 15 minutes later George gets out and dries himself off, leaving the bathroom to see Dream at his gaming set up. "What'r you doing?" George asks calmly. "How do you think that dude felt on the phone? With you moaning and stuff. I mean he obviously knew what was going on." Dream says to George with his eyes still on his screen.

*ding* George's phone buzzes. George walks over and picks it up, while Dream spins his chair to look at George. "Why did you even give him your number, anyway? He's not going to stop texting you. And when did you change your password?" Dream stands up walking towards him, obviously mad. George stares at him and starts worrying that he's genuinely angry.

George had changed his password while he was on Dream, and for some reason he didn't notice. "Can you not answer me? Why did you give him your number in the first place?" Dream is now extremely close to George, with each word dream speaks , letting out a hot breath on George's face. "I- I didn't want to be mean, he handed me his phone and I grabbed it without noticing." George says in defense.

"So you were going to just call him later?" George nods, without realizing Dream wouldn't understand. "Ohhh, ok. And let me guess, plan a date, kiss him, then what? Then what George? Were you gonna fuck him?" Dream spits out. "Stop it, this is stupid! I was gonna tell him I was taken but then you made me do it in a sick and twisted way! You're being a dick." George pushes past him to leave. "You should've told me you were an asshole before I came all the way to Florida." George mumbles. 

When George is in the living room he sits on the brown leather couch and starts drying his hair off with the towel that was around his neck. He looks down to his phone to see the messages he's gotten, all from the guy from the beach.

'I don't really know what message you were trying to get across lol' George reads in his head rolling his eyes. 'It sounded so nice tho. I enjoyed it.' George's eyes widened slightly.

'I know you said you belong to someone but-' George gets cut off reading the message by dream walking into the living room. "Listen, I'm sorry. I know I reacted bad but how would you react if some dude came up to me, flirted with me, and I gave him my number? It's bullshit George." Dreams voice slowly starts leaving the calm tone, shifting to a more aggressive one.

"I have a right to be fucking mad, you were trying to cheat on me!" Dream starts laughing, but obviously still mad. "Can you stop? I said I gave him my number to reject him in a calmer way." George says, sick of dreams jealousy.

"Can I see your phone?" Dream asked. "I wanna read his messages first." George looked down to his phone. Dream just watched him, stressed.

'I know you said you belong to someone but if you went on a date with me, you'd completely change your mind. Trust me, do you want to try?' George's face stayed plain, he saw that he had 6 miss calls from him. "Shit." George stared at his phone.

"He's like... obsessed.." George walks over to Dream, handing over his phone. "He likes you. How do you feel about that?" Dream looks down at him. "I dunno.." he mumbles. "Yeah? So if I delete his contact you're  not going to go back to it?" Dream puts his finger on George's chin, tilting his head up. "I'm not." He responded.

"Wait, can I respond to him first? I don't want to make him feel bad." George reaches for his phone back. Dream lifted his arm making his phone out of reach. "He won't feel bad, he'll feel rejected."

"Clay stop, gimme my phone." Dream looked down to George, staring into his soul. He slammed George's phone onto his chest and stormed back to his room. The phone fell to the ground and George put a hand over his chest shocked at the pain. He stands there for a bit, then leans down to his phone, hearing a hard slam at dreams bedroom door.

He picks his phone up, to see the shattered lines and glass sticking out. "But.. I didn't do anything." He said to him self upset, but quietly. He walks to dreams room and hesitantly opens his door. "Clay.. you- you broke it.." George reaches his phone out to Dream, who was sitting at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

Dream ignored him. George sat down next to Dream. "Do you have anger issues..?" George tilts his head, asking with concern. Dream nods with his head still in his hands. It begins to become audible that Dream was silently crying in his hands.

I'm so sorry lol (995 words)

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