Chapter twelve- your fault

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Brooooo long chapters are so fun to write but it sucks rereading them, it takes soooo long,, so sorry if I make any spelling errors

"Hey George! Long time no see!" Mike yelled. "Wha- who are you?" Dream squinted his eyes. "I don't know who he is, let's just go.." George pulled at the handles of the car. "Wait, mike?" Dream finally realized who he is making George sweat. "Clay- please.." George yanked the handle faster.

"George!" Mike yelled. "Just.. stay away from me!" George turned and faced mike. "Ah, you think your all tough cause you boyfriend is here?" Mike crossed his arms and smiled. Dream came up behind me.

"Just go, we don't need problems." Dream stared deeply at him. "Oh fuck off white boy, how come he can't talk for himself?" Mike furrowed his eyebrows.

"Do you like being socked in the face?" Dream hissed, mike just rolled his eyes. "Please mike, just leave me alone. Why can you just... go.." George's voice was shaky. "George.." Mike smiled. "You look so good!" Mike reached a hand out.

"Go the fuck away you freak!" George backed away. Mikes expression melted as he walked closer. "I'm gonna beat your ass!" Dream lunged at him but George pushed him back. "George, just realize you need me as much as I need you!" Miked grinned.

"I don't! Why don't you get that?" George yelled. "Please... just love me.. I won't touch you.." Mike mumbled. "George, get in the car." Dream said as he unlocked the door.

"God fucking dam it, clay!" Mike yelled as he pulled something out, it was to dark to see clearly. Mike was shaking. "Just leave! I hate you! He's mine! I just want to talk to him that's all I want!" Mike got closer to Dream, it was now clear he had a knife in hand.

"Woah, hey!" Dream backed away. "Mike! Ok, come here, talk to me.." George forced a smile as he watched Dream nearly get hurt. Mike smiled and walked over to George. He caressed George's face with his hands.

"George.." he whispered. George glanced to Dream who was leaning against the the garage. "How did you know I was here?" George trembled. "Please listen to me. Give me a chance! Let me take you out, did you really not have fun at my house?" Mike asked. George shook his head.

"George. I have a problem, I know. You hate me, but you haven't gave me a chance to redeem myself. I understand I seem like a bad guy right now but just give me a chance."  Mike pleaded.

"George-" Dream started. "Shut the fuck up, bitch!" Mike turned to Dream pointing at him with a knife. "Ok! I just don't want to be in this situation!" George yelled. "Fuck this, I'm getting Adeline." Dream turned. "What? No what the fuck are you doing? She's a kid!" George yelled to Dream.

"Fuck, I don't know what to do. Go the fuck away mike!" Dream yelled, he was probably having a panic attack and just wanted to see his sister again. His sister actually calmed him down a lot, George just didn't want to endanger her.

"George, please. Respond to my texts. Talk to me." Mike started.. crying? "Mike?" George titled his head. "I- I'm obsessed with you, I can't control it." Mike sobbed. What will happen if I just.... walk away? He won't hurt me right? George thought as he glanced to Dream who was staring at George.

"I'll call you when I get home, but you have to let me go. This is his parents house and it's 10 o'clock, ok? I have to go. I think you might have something wrong but you need to get home." George tried to sound as calm as possible, driving Mike crazy.

It was like everything George did just made Mike fall deeper in love. Mike nodded and he looked George up and down. "Ok... ima go to clay now, you won't hurt him, right?" George asked. Mike just stared at George. "Mike." George furrowed his eyebrows.

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