Chapter twenty- stealing

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"Yes where are you?" Dream was determined. "I went to Alex's house and we're a bit drunk and I want to go home"

"Come on, George. Why do you want to leave all the sudden" Alex whined as he kept his distance in between them. "George stay away from him, I'm serious" Dream said as he listened to Alex, shuffling through the mic, but George wasn't scared, only nervous.

"I just want to go home, I'm sorry, I'm sure you'll be fine Alex" George smiled. "Why do you want to go to clay? You said you wanted to leave him" Alex groaned. "I didn't say that?"

"You did. You said you want to go back to England and you don't want to stay with him, then you said he doesn't cuddle you" Alex mixed George's words.

"No- I- Alex shut up please" George held the phone away from his face. "George?" Dream said. "He doesn't know what he's talking about, are you coming?"

Dream sat in the seat of his car. He was rushing to get get his boyfriend a few seconds ago and now he began overthinking. He wanted to leave him and go to England? He thinks Dream doesn't cuddle him?

"He doesn't even pay attention to you like I do." Dream heard Alex yell in an obvious drunk voice. George shushing him.

Pay attention to George? Dream felt his heart frown. He looked down to the steering wheel. "I don't know why he's saying this stuff. Can you please pick me up? He's being kind of touchy" George whispered the last part.

Touchy. That was it. Dream snapped out of it and started the car, pulling out of the drive way. Speeding down the street.

"I love you clay, what he said isn't true. I want to live with you it's just a big decision-" George looked at his phone. "Oh. He hung up" George frowned.

It annoyed him because he took that as an opportunity. He knew he wouldn't be able to tell Dream face to face. He looked up to Alex who was staring back at him.

"If he genuinely loved you would he get a job so early so he can't wake up beside you? If someone loved you they would do whatever they can to make their significant other happy," Alex rolled his eyes and walked back to the table.

George kept in what he wanted to say, thinking he was just drunk.

Not walking in a straight line because of how drunk he was. "No. Clay does a lot, more that he should. H-he stayed up for hours trying to find a job. He works harder than anyone I know." George defended.

"Pft, yeah right. I make more money than his life is worth and I still am able to wake up early and late." Alex glared at George who was slowly filling with anger.

He got mad faster because of the alcohol in his system. Telling him to do things he wouldn't do if he were sober. Violent things.

"What? You get that money handed to you. You don't work for shit" George furrowed his eyebrows as he slurred his words.

Alex raised his eyebrows in genuine shock. "George? Why would you say something like that?" Alex tried to laugh it off. "I- I work for it and I help Clay out. I give him money all the time. I gave him a few thousand dollars for your birthday actually."

"Your undeserving of what you have. I can't believe you could say things about clay when he's done more than you ever could. All you do is drink and smoke," George clenched his fist, but he wasn't done. Alex wished he was.

"I don't want to cuddle with you either. Cuddling with someone that's a spoiled brat- your a horrible person for even offering." George yelled.

"I was joking with you, George. Stop it, I'm clays best friend, I know he works hard," Alex had pure pain in his voice.

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