Chapter one- meet up

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It may be boring at first but keep reading :)

It was October 28th, a few days before George's birthday. Dream and George have been wanting to meet up for a while now, but haven't had the time and money due to them both having not very well payed jobs. Dream thought long and hard on what he'd do for George's birthday. He had just got a promotion at his job, getting a larger check. He has yet to tell George the news just Incase he wanted to buy him something and not tell him how he had afforded it.

His check was 500$, just enough to buy a ticket from England to Florida. *ring* Dream dialed George, "hey" George answered. "Hello, I have a question." Dream looked down to his lap. George was quiet on the phone. "Do you have the the weekend off? Or do you think you could get next week off?" George was quiet for a few seconds.

He couldn't be thinking of flying me out, how would he afford that?? George thought. "It's possible, why?" George asked. "Do you still want to fly out over here and meet up?" Dream said nervous of the thought of George declining.

"How?" George questioned. "Don't worry about that, do you still want to?" "yes of course I do, idiot. But how would we afford that?" George quickly replied. "I have a way, I'm gonna buy your ticket!" Dream said obviously smiling. George laughed happily on the phone, still confused at how Dream would possibly afford a ticket.

After a bit longer of them talking, Dream goes online to pay for the ticket. "484$, plus tax. Perfect." Dream says focused on putting in his credit card info happily. All night dream and George talked on FaceTime as George Packed.

Dream basically smiled the whole call at the thought of meeting up with him, they haven't seen each other in 7 months, and the last time they did, they had Daryl and nick with them, still not knowing of their relationship. They would finally have the private time they wanted together. Dream thought of places he'd take George, hoping he wouldn't be to tired the day he picked up George so that they could do things.

The next day, George got on the plane in the afternoon, sleeping the whole 10 hours, arriving early the next day in Florida. George yawned as he grabbed his back pack and suitcases from the compartment.

He was so excited to finally see his boyfriend after the long seven months. He walked down the large building looking around for the tall blonde. *ring* George's phone in his pocket vibrated. It was Dream. "Hi!" George said with an obvious smile.

"George!" Dream said excitedly. "where are you? I think I'm lost, I'm at gate b.." (sh Idk how airports work lol) "ok that's fine, I'm at gate c, do you see it? The Starbucks?" Dream asked. "I see a Starbucks.." George looked around, landing his eyes on a tall and lean blond. Dream still looked around cluelessly.

"Yeah, do you see m-" Dream gets cut off, "Yes!" George said happily, hanging up and running toward Dream. Dream finally laid his soft green eyes on George. "George!!" He ran towards George. They gave each other large and long hug, squeezing tightly. He's so tall. George thought.

Dream lifted his head up from George's shoulder making eye contact with the cute short boy below him. "Your so small" Dream said smiling. "I'm not, 5'8 is average. Shut up, we talked about this." George giggled pushing his head back into dreams chest. "Remember when we met last time and only being able to hug for a few seconds before nick thought it was weird?" Dream brought up. George smiled into dreams chest, hugging him tighter.

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