Chapter seven- shopping alone

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Tw: mention of rape, strong language.

It was 8 am and George was in the living room while Dream was still asleep. (I just realized it would be Halloween today in the story) Usually they had woken up around 12 or even 1, but George had to think about stuff. His mom was actually a victim of abuse in a relationship. The guy wasn't his dad, but he was his moms ex boyfriend, he was an asshole.

He always yelled at her and she felt trapped. Is the same thing gonna happen to George? One of the things that roamed his mind was mike. He's never met anyone so... dedicated to him. He wanted George so bad, but George couldn't figure out why. His phone buzzed and the top of the screen showed a random number. 'Am I annoying you?' The text said. Mike. Mike. What do you want. I don't get it. He surprisingly clicked the message and began typing back. 'What do you want from me?' George kind of regretted saying so, 'what? Look I promise if we talk I can explain. We can never talk. You cant call and when I go to your house you have some body guard' the message said. 'That body guard is my boyfriend. And I'm sorry about what he did to you.'

George stared at his phone waiting for a response. He tapped the contact and changed the name to josh. Only so Dream wouldn't know. 'I know you don't get it but can we just please talk..? I promise I won't do anything like touch you if that's what you think,' as George read the message his stomach started to twist and he felt a little sick.

'Ok.. 8pm?' George swallowed hard. He stared at his phone patiently. The door opens from down the hall and George clicked the home button immediately. He turned off ringer so Dream wouldn't hear if his phone had gone off. "Baby? Are you here?" Dreams husky voice echoed softly. "Yes! Hi! Good morning!" George stood up with a smile. Dream stood there in his baggy underwear, his hair was sloppy and he had a hand on his eye rubbing it, obviously he wasn't used to waking up so early.

"Why are you out here?" His voice was still scratchy. "Well, I went outside for air then I came in to make something but I ended up not feeling like it and I didn't want to go back to bed." George lied through his teeth. "Oh. Well can you come back?" Dreams arm dropped from his face. "Yea" George grabbed his phone. Dream turned to go back to bed and wait for George. They slept for another 3 hours.

The fridge was empty and they had been eating takeout for the last few days, George loved cooking but he couldn't where there was only cheese, old hotdogs and mayo in the fridge.

Dream was on the couch watching an old crime show he got into a while ago while George was on his phone, eyes glued. "Your on your phone very often now." Dream didn't even turn to George. "No I'm not." George re positioned himself. "No, you are, what are you doing?" Dream looked at him, his piercing green eyes. "Hm?" George played stupid. Dream reached a hand out, motioning for George to give him his phone. Is this a new thing now? George having to give him his phone whenever he suspects something? George hated this. His stomach always drops when Dream did this.

George looked at dreams hand then his face. "Right. One sec." George immediately went to "joshes" contact and re read the messages to see if Dream think anything of it. Well, why would he go on his contact anyway? It says josh. He should be safe. He could feel dream becoming impatient. The tension tapped him on the back. "Here." George sighed but smiled. Dream smiled back, sarcastically. George watched carefully as Dream scrolled on his phone, he couldn't see the screen but he saw dreams face. Dreams eyes widened making George's stomach twist. "Interesting." Dream tossed his phone back to George, "your mom misses you."

George picked his phone up to see his moms messages open and the last message was 'I hope your well, I miss you,' sent yesterday. "Oh, yeah," George felt a hot wave of relief. "Hey do you think we could go to the store? I wanna make some stuff." George smiled and moved closer to Dream. "I- George! There's like 20 more episodes to this and I'm wayyy to into it!" Dream laughed and pointed at the tv. "And?" George furrowed his eyebrows, "can, can you just go?" Dream felt bad, "um, yes.." George picked his phone back up and went to text mike. 'Let's meet up right now' George sent the message without hesitation.

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