Chapter twentytwo- overdose

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I HATE SCHOOOLLLL anyways hey how are u guys (Idk what the picture is supposed to mean but I looked up pharmacy aesthetic and found that, it looks just like how I imagine Dreams job tho) HOLY GUACAMOLE THANKS FOR 38k VIEWS THATS SO WEIRD

"Clay!" Adeline beamed as the door opened showing a tired dream. "Hi!" Dream smiled. George walked from the kitchen to greet his boyfriend. "Mom let you stay today?" Dream furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Yeah, she still doesn't know what happened. Dad is picking me up at 9 though"

"Nice, none of your friends snitched." Dream smirked as he walked to the kitchen pass George, following the delicious smell of cooking food. "Yeah but my friends are in so much trouble, I'm shocked they didn't say I was part of it" Adeline turned her gaze back to the tv.

"What if mom does know and she's letting you have fun here before you go home and get grounded" Dream guessed with anticipation as he opened the pot on the stove. Steam going into his face. "Don't say that" Adeline giggled.

In the pot was chicken and in the other was rice. "You really do know how to cook, huh?" Dream said, admiring the food. "I'd say so" George stood beside him, also looking over the food.

Dream looked down to the smaller, smiling at him. "You did good" Dream asserted. "You haven't tried it yet" George didn't dare making eye contact with the taller, knowing he would just blush.

"I don't have to, I can tell it's good just by smelling it. I'm actually really hungry so I'm happy" Dream reached an arm around George's shoulder, slightly pulling him closer. George looked up to him and smiled, he knew it, his face went all flustered when his eyes met the blonds.

Dream stared at his boyfriend carefully, adding more tension to the small situation. "I love you" Dream whispered. George looked back to the food to attempt holding back a smile. Dream reached his other hand to George's face to make George face him again.

Adeline couldn't see them but the sudden silence gave her an idea of what was going on. Dream narrowed his eyes at the other. Letting his palm lay on his face. He very slowly leaned in and pecked his lips. Once he pulled away George went on his tippy toes and pecked Dream back.

Dream giggled and glanced to the counter behind George. "Cake" he said. "Oh yeah the cake!" Adeline jumped up and rushed to the kitchen. "Me and George made it for you!" Dreams hands flew away from George. Adeline noticed how close they were but chose to ignore it.

"Aw, thanks guys" Dream looked back to George who had red cheeks. "It's vanilla and it has green frosting" Adeline went to the cake. "I want some" Dream moved closer to inspect the cake but rubbed circles into George's back. "No, after we eat" George insisted. "Ugh, your such an... an adult" Dream groaned.

"I am" George leered as he went to stir the rice to make sure it was cooking evenly. Adeline took her phone out of her pocket and went back to the couch, plopping down. Dream followed and let himself fall onto the couch.

George turned and frowned to see the taller was gone. He wanted to continue the romantic situation. George finished cooking the food as Adeline scrolled on tiktok and Dream watched spongebob.

George prepared the food, adding carrots to dreams because he liked his food healthy. He made them look nice and placed them on the table. "It's done" George confirmed with the two. Adeline kept scrolling as Dream stood up.

He walked to the table with the plates, already knowing which one was his. "Wow" Dream said. George sat across the table with a bottle of water. Dream furrowed his eyebrows at it. "Why don't you have food?" He asked. George shrugged.

"Sit with me" Dream scooted the plate of his sisters food in front of the other chair and patted the seat. George playfully rolled his eyes and came to sit beside his boyfriend. Dream got a spoon of rice and lifted it up to George's mouth, his other hand was under the spoon to catch falling rice as if he was feeding a baby. He stared at George's lips waiting.

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