Chapter fifteen- she needs me

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****smut***Please listen to that song it's so good bro<3

"Clay!" George yelled. "George! Where are you? What happened?" Dream asked. "You don't remember any thing either?" George made himself more quiet because of Alex. "No. All I remember is.. ah... I don't know, I think I was crying and then Vanessa took me to her house..." Dream tried to remember.

"I remember... oh my god... clay, I remember being told by someone that you wanted to.. break up with me?" George leaned his head in his hands and he vividly remembered what he was told. "It was Vanessa! I remember she told me that I don't deserve you or something!" Dream scream-whispered. "Why??" George furrowed his eyebrows.

"Where are you, George?" Dream asked sadly and ignoring George's question. "I'm still with Alex in his bed but he's asleep." George looked to Alex. "W- did you guys..?" "No! We didn't, I wouldn't do that. And I still have all my clothes on, I didnt do that." George yelled.

Dream looked to his lap, feeling guilty. He clearly remembered what had happened with him and Vanessa. Although being extremely drunk would be a great excuse he didn't want to take it. George was also drunk and didn't do anything.

"Did you?" George broke the silence. Dream continued to not say anything. George sighed across the phone. "George..." before Dream could finish George hung up the phone. "Fuck." Dream sighed as he threw his phone to the end of the bed.

He almost felt like Vanessa had taken advantage of him. Dream laid back down as he stared at the ceiling, feeling genuinely horrible. Vanessa flipped over and threw her arm over Dreams bare chest as she snuggled into him.

"Good morning.." she smiled. "Is my car still at Alex's house?" Dream asked. "No, it's outside. Why? Your not gonna leave, right?" Vanessa sat up and looked down to Dream.

"Vanessa, I never wanted this, if I were sober I wouldn't have even touched you. You probably weren't even drunk. You took advantage of me." Dream put his hand over his face as he grimaced. "I didn't. You wanted to do those things, you made the first move. You just don't remember." She lied.

"No the fuck I didn't! Vanessa I don't like you! You lured me here! And I know what you did, you told George I didn't want to be with him!" Dream sat up, looking Vanessa in her eyes.

Vanessa smiled. "So you and George are a thing?" She tilted her head. "What?" "I wonder how your mom would feel if I told her. Even worse, your dad. We all know how homophobic they are, right?" She stood up and started to change her clothes to a more formal outfit.

"Vanessa" Dreams shaky voice spoke. "And Adeline! Think about how different she'd see you. Having sex with another man. What a weird thing to think of your brother as! Is that what you want?" She buttoned up her top. "Hm?" She smirked. "Stop it." Dream spat.

"Or else what?" She sat at the end of the bed. "Where are you even going?" Dream looked her up and down. "A meeting. My modeling company wants me to model for a makeup company." She stood up and made her way to her mirror.

"What do you want?" Dreams eyes followed her. "End things with George. Everything." She said as she casually fixed the collar of her shirt. "Excuse me?" Dream furrowed his eyebrows. "You asked what I wanted. That's what I want. Oh, unless you want your whole family to know about your homosexual tendencies." She turned and locked eyes with Dream.

"Why is that what you want?" Dream asked. "Clay, I'm sorry. I haven't quite explained it to you." She walked over, sitting at the end of the bed. "I love you. I don't care how much you tell me you hate me, I always get my way." Her smile faded to a devilish look.

"Your broken. Your depressed and your mind is telling you your gay when your not, it's probably some kind of weird coping mechanism you've picked up." Her manipulative words were sucked into Dreams head. "You and me are soulmates. Remember when we went to France and walked around and even saw the tower? Oh! Remember when we went to Tokyo and walked around at midnight, seeing all the colors." She played clear scenes in Dreams head.

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