Chapter twentyfour- jealous george

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Hi beautiful human, enjoy the chapter <3

Dreams grip on the sides of the toilet were tight. His knuckles turned white and his cheeks were red, he took deep breaths with a string of saliva from his mouth and into the bowl.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, falling back against the wall. His other hand brushed through his hair. "Clay?" George slowly pushed the door open. "How are you doing?" He stared down at the sick blond. Dream only nodded with his eyes closed.

"Do you think we should go to the hospital?" George stepped in more. "No, it's not that serious" dreams hand dropped from his hair. "Your sister has been calling you but you were in here and I didn't want to stress you out." George had his hands intertwined. "I'll come out right now," He glanced to the brunette at the door.

He had a worried expression, genuinely concerned. Instead of leaving like Dream thought he would, George came in and sat beside the drained blond.

They sat in comfortable silence. George leaned over and let his head rest on dreams shoulder. "Want to tell me why you took a bunch of pills?" Honestly, George was dying to know. It wasn't like it was something Dream wouldn't do, but there had to be a reason.

"I was just having a panic attack I think. I wanted to calm down so I took the pills and I wanted it to work faster so I took multiple." Dream closed his eyes. "It happened when I was sleeping?" George asked.

"2 am, yeah."


"Right here."

George went silent. If Dream would have woken him up he would've helped him but Dream thought he had to handle it alone. He didn't have to. Why did he. "You could've woke me up." George mumbled.

"No I couldn't, I would've felt like shit if I did," Sweat formed at the top of his head.

"Why were you upset?" George questioned. Dream sighed, he reached his hand up and ran his fingers through George's soft hair. "You smell good" Dream desperately changed the subject.

"I used your body wash" George smiled. "Really? That's how I smell? No wonder people flirt with me"

"Because of how you smell?" George teased, they giggled for a few seconds.

"How do you feel now?" George sat with his knees to his chest. "A lot better"

"Do you need anything?" George stared up at Dream, he studied the tallers expression. Red, sweaty, panting.

"A kiss" George scoffed, "definitely not. You just threw up."

Dream quickly turned and puckered his lips at George. "No- Clay! Get off me!" The smaller laughed from under Dream. "Kiss me!" Dream leaned in more playfully. "Please! That's so gross!" Dream finally stopped, still laughing like a tea kettle at George's reaction.

"I'm gonna shower now, I'm all sweaty" Dream stood himself up and flushed the toilet. "I'll give you as many kisses as you want when your all cleaned" George stood up to.

"I know." The blond said as George left.
The brunette sat outside as the sun started to set. Sketching small drawings on a notebook. He waited patiently for his boyfriend to be out of the shower so he could be with him again. It's been only half an hour, Dream took very long showers.

A red car slowly drove by the front but George tried his hardest to ignore it, scared he'd make awkward eye contact with the driver. The car stopped directly in front of the house.

George glanced up then back at his small sketches of people. The door opened and a short girl stepped out. Messy dark hair was thrown in a ponytail. She closed the car door and began walking forward. "Clay lives here right?" She said to George as she approached the house.

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