Chapter |12|

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A/N this is more of a filler chapter so not a whole lot happens :p


"Do you have to go? Can't I go with you?" Danny looked at Aizawa with his very convincing puppy dog eyes. However, if there is one person on this planet who can resist them it was Aizawa.

"I have patrol and you have a bedtime. Besides, you love it when the two annoyances come over and watch you" Danny's not allowed to stay home alone for several reasons. The main reason is that Aizawa became paranoid from the villain incident and the second reason is of course the muffins.

"Will they be able to stop several sound-attracted murderous aliens from killing me for sneezing?" Danny wore the most serious expression Aizawa had ever seen.

"You watched the quiet place, didn't you? After I specifically told you not to?"

"Yes, yes I did. And I regret it, is that punishment enough?"

"No muffins for a week"

"Four days"

"A week"

"Three days"

"That is not how negotiations work, kid"


Yamada and Nemuri showed up right when Aizawa left. After remembering what Yamada's quirk was Danny felt reassured that he would survive against the sound-attracted aliens if they decided to suddenly exist.

"You got an hour and a half before you gotta go to bed so what should we do? Oh! How about we watch a quiet place two?" Nemuri suggested. Danny and Yamada both quickly shook their heads.

"I've always wanted to learn how to bake! Can we do that?" Danny gave them his puppy dog eyes. Unlike Aizawa, they were very effective on them.

"Of course little listener! C'mon Nem, let's go teach our little listener to bake!" Yamada said as he skipped to the kitchen.

"We don't even know how to bake" Nemuri mumbled.


"Okay and then you add the flour- why is it moving?" Nemuri yanked Danny away from the monstrosity in a bowl. They tried making cookie dough but somehow created a moving ball of sludge. Yamada poked it with a fork and yelped when the ball of something ate it.

"Y'know I thought we were gonna be eating the dough, but now the doughs gonna eat us" After a pause Danny continued, eyes wide.
"Holy fuck we're going to be eaten by dough"

"NOT TODAY SATAN!" Nemuri exclaimed before grabbing a broom and charging at the mixing bowl. Yamada grabbed some supplies before grabbing Danny and taking cover in the living room.

Three and a half hours later Aizawa arrived home to see his apartment in complete shambles. Danny and Yamada were hiding behind his couch; which was turned on its side. They had pans on their heads and were holding brooms and dustpans for weapons. Nemuri was on the kitchen counter fighting what seemed to be a monstrous-looking ball of dough.

"What the fuck"

They both lost babysitting privileges for a week.


"Today you will be choosing your class president. I don't care how you do it, just decide by the end of class" Aizawa said before zipping up his sleeping bag. He was pretty tired since he was up most of the night taking care of the dough monster the three walking balls of chaos had created.

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