Chapter |34|

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Izuku laughed as Shinso told a story from when he first discovered his quirk. It was when he really wanted to go to the zoo, but Aizawa said no. Next thing you know, Aizawa was suddenly at the zoo with a very satisfied Shinso. After that, Aizawa called up Shiori and she took him to the doctors where it was discovered that his quirk had manifested.

The two were in Izuku's room for a sleepover, they had bonded at the sports festival when Shinso had told Izuku about all the hardships he went through because of his quirk. Izuku quickly sympathized with him, having gone through all the crap he did just because he was quirkless.

"Is that a crow?" Shinso asked, looking behind Izuku and towards the green haired teens bedroom window. Izuku turned around and looked at the crow pecking at his window. Confused, he got up from his spot on the ground and opened it up.

The crow flew inside, freaking Shinso out, and dropped a rolled up note. The purple haired teen picked the note up and quickly unraveled it. Izuku closed the window when it appeared that the crow wouldn't be leaving.

"What's it say Shinso kun?" Izuku asked, a little worried when shinso's face became pale.

"The guy that's been after Danny kidnapped his friends and Danny went after them, that idiot! Come on, we have to tell Aizawa or somebody!" Shinso stood up.

"Aizawa Sensei's in America along with a few other heroes!" Izuku informed, his face was full of worry.

"Let's go to the police station then, they'll send some pro heroes. Danny's friends wrote down some coordinates so that's most likely where they're being held"

Izuku nodded and the two rushed out of Izuku's bedroom.


The two weren't expecting to meet Shiori at the police station. Shinso could tell things weren't going well by the look on his mom's face as she spoke with one of the officers.

"What do you mean there are no available pro heroes!?" Shinso heard his mom borderline screech. The officer she was speaking with looked tired and apologetic.

"We're sorry ma'am, villains are attacking relentlessly, all of our heroes are out fighting. Those who aren't are too injured to help you" The officer explained.

Izuku frowned at that, whoever kidnapped Danny must have paid off some villains to keep the heroes busy. Rarely has there ever been a time where every single pro hero was out fighting villain attacks. The timing was way too convenient for that to just be a coincidence.

Shinso and Izuku walked closer towards them, Shirori didn't seem to notice.
"My nephew and his two friends are being held captive by a psychopath and you're telling me there isn't anybody available save them!?" Shiori's fist, which was resting on the police officers desk, clenched in anger and worry.

"Mom?" Shinso said in concern. He hasn't seen his mom this upset ever since his father had walked out on them. Shiori jumped a bit before turning around. The officer seemed to be a bit relieved at the distraction the two provided.

His mom immediately engulfed him in a hug.
"Shinso? Izuku? What are you guys doing here?" She asked after letting go of her son.

"We heard about what happened with Danny and his friends so we came here to alert the authorities" Izuku informed. Shiori frowned again, frustration clear on her face.

"Apparently there are no available pro heroes around to help them, every villain alive seems to be attacking today" She explained. Izuku's face paled and Shinso cursed. Shiori immediately tried to placate them with reassuring words.

"It's okay though! I'm sure someone will help soon!" She explained, aiming a look at the police officer.

"I'm going to stay here for now, why don't you two head on back to Inko's for now? Try not to worry too much, I'm positive Danny will be okay" She kissed Shinso on the head before ushering the two out the door.

Once outside, Izuku immediately pulled out his phone and texted the groupchat.
"What are you planning?" Shinso asked, already knowing what his green haired friend had in mind.

"We cant just wait around for someone to save Danny, we don't know what is being done with him nor his friends. We already have the coordinates ourselves, besides, Danny would do the same for any of us" The green haired hero in training said as he began to send a text to his classmates.


Kirishima read the note that the crow had delivered to Izuku. After he finished, he passed it along to the person beside him which was Denki. Izuku had texted the groupchat and asked them all to meet him at his house. He said it was urgent, that it was about Danny.

"Are there really no pro heroes available?" Ochako asked, worry laced in her tone.

"Yeah, with all the attacks going on downtown not a single hero can afford to leave. That can't be a coincidence, which makes me believe that we need to do this quickly. Whatever it is this 'Vlad' guy has planned, it's not good" Shinso explained.

"How did that fuckin' dumbass even manage to get caught" Bakugou said, voice dredged in exasperation but everyone could tell he was secretly worried much like everyone else.

"Didn't you read the note Bakubro? The vlad dude used Sam and Tucker as bait. Now, let's start on a plan to save our manly bro!" Kirishima exclaimed, face full of determination. (Y'all I remember using that word during the whole undertale frenzy on my old acc and it was a NIGHTMARE 99.99% of comments were full of undertale quotes. If you were that type of person I still don't forgive you 💀 made me paranoid of the word determination for YEARS)

Izuku was relieved when the class immediately began planning on how to save their friend. Even Iida, who was usually against the class doing things without permission, was fully on board.

"Luckily the note that crow delivered gave us the coordinates," Izuku began but was cut off by Denki.

"What? A crow gave you the coordinates??" The lightning quirked teen asked in astonishment and slight paranoia.

"Yeah, Danny's friend Sams' quirk allows her to communicate with crows. I heard Danny talking about it when Sensei found them in the electrical room back at the Arcade" Ochako explained.


"Get the fuck over the fucking crows already dumbass!" Bakugou slapped a hand against Denkis mouth to shut him up. Immediately, the explosive blonde pulled his hand away in disgust.

"OI! YOU FUCKING LICKED MY HAND YOU DUMBASS PIKACHU!!" Bakugou lunged but was held back by Kirishima.

"ENOUGH!" Everyone startled and looked at Izuku in shock.

"Thank you" Todoroki sighed in relief, the headache that was beginning to form from all the yelling quickly subsided.

"Now, as I was saying, we already have the coordinates to Danny Kun's location, hopefully at least. The areas not too far from here so if we hurry up and come up with a plan we'll be able to rescue Danny kun soon. It won't be easy, if what we assume is right and Vlad paid off all the villains to distract the heroes, he's not going to go down easy" Everyone listened intently as Izuku spoke.

"Now, here's what I have planned..."


SURPRISE SURPRISE THIS ISNT ABANDONED 😀 life just got in the way :,) sorryyyyyyy

The convenient cliffhanger, it always comes in handy when u have no idea what direction u wanna go next :,)

Y'all it's been so long since I last wrote I forgot what was going on, had to reread my notes lmaoooo


Good day.

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