Chapter |15|

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Ever notice that there's a d in fridge but no d in refrigerator? Tf


Danny groaned as he opened his eyes, the bright fluorescent lights of his room made his headache worse.


His room doesn't have fluorescent lights.

He immediately sat up and became confused when he noticed he was in a hospital room. He looked around and saw a sleeping Aizawa in another hospital bed next to him. He panicked when he noticed bandages wrapped around both of them.

He then noticed a snoring Yamada in a chair between their beds. The door opened and Danny saw Nemuri walk in, holding two mugs of coffee. She looked up and was a bit startled to see him awake.

"Danny!" She rushed over and began fussing over him. She pressed a button that would call a nurse in.

"What happened?" He asked as she set down the two mugs. She ruffled his hair and sat down on the chair next to his bed.

"Villains attacked the USJ during your little field trip. We're not sure all that happened but your classmates told us you used a scream to knock down most of the villains" She explained, brushing her hand through his hair in an affectionate matter.

Danny's eyes widened. Now he remembers, that ghostly wail must have taken a lot out of him.
"I used my ghostly wail, it normally takes a lot out of me but I didn't know what else to do.. is Aizawa ok?? He looks pale!" Danny looked at her with worry in his eyes.

She gave him a cheeky smile.
"Oh, he'll be alright. His arm was the most concern but luckily it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He'll be better in no time, and so will you"

By that time Recovery girl walked into the room. Danny was a bit relieved since he didn't want strangers looking over him.
"My my, both you and that Midoriya sure is trouble finders aren't ya?" She gave him a playful wink. Danny gave her a sheepish smile.

"Is everybody ok? Aside from me and Aizawa?" Danny asked her, worry in his voice.

"Midoriya is a little injured as well but nothing too bad. The rest of your classmates are at home with their parents" She reassured. Danny relaxed as she began to check him over.

"The burns on your back may take a little longer to heal than the rest of your injuries. Once you have all your energy back I'll come in and heal your leg first" With that, she gave him a sucker then left.

"Wait.. my leg?" He asked in confusion.

"You sprained it, probably didn't notice from all the adrenaline. Since that wail took a lot out of you, recovery girl wasn't able to heal you while you were sleeping" Nemuri explained. Danny unwrapped the sucker then popped it in his mouth.

"So what happened after I passed out?"

"Well once we got there, All Might defeated that Nomu with the help of Midoriya. Shota took care of that villain kid until another villain warped them all away. We arrested all the villains you and your classmates took care of" Nemuri took a sip of her coffee. They both looked over at Yamada as he began to stir awake.

Danny didn't see him move until the blonde hero's arms were around him.
"You're awake! And not dead! I'm so happy! When I heard my best friend and favorite nephew's class got attacked I braced for the worst. I should have known you two were too stubborn to die" Nemuri pulled Yamada away.

A nurse walked in and told Nemuri and Yamada that visiting hours were over so they both had to leave.
"Wait! What about pebbles!" Danny looked at the two, face full of worry at the thought of his little baby home alone with no food or water.

"We'll take care of her, don't worry" Nemuri reassured. They both hugged him goodbye before leaving. Danny laid back down and stared at his ceiling in boredom.

He looked towards the other occupant in the room once he started to stir. Aizawa groaned as he sat up, arms and head covered in bandages.

"He liiivessss" Aizawa rolled his eyes at his kids' remark.

"Unlike the other occupant in this room" Danny looked at Aizawa with an offended look.

"That was low. Lower then the bags under your eyes" Aizawa barked out a laugh at the comeback. Normally he would have said one back but he was too relieved to see that Danny was okay.

He thought for sure he lost him when he passed out after that wail. He didn't leave the kids' side until he too passed out from exhaustion.

"Hey, Dad?" Aizawa paused, a little surprised, after a second to see if the kid realized what he said. After a bit, he smiled and answered.

"Yeah, kid?"

"I don't like it here. Can we escape? I wanna watch movies with you, Yamada, and Nemuri while cuddling with Pebbles" Danny looked at him with puppy dog eyes. This time, he couldn't say no.

"Once Recovery Girl heals your leg then we can" Aizawa promised. Danny reached over the side of his hospital bed and held out his pinky. Aizawa rolled his eyes, smiling fondly, then reached his pinky over the side as well.

"Remember, you can never break a pinky promise!" Danny exclaimed, face void of all emotion except for serious.

"I'll remember"


"I can't believe the two of you broke out of the hospital!" Nemuri was in the middle of scolding the two injured sleep-deprived beings. Danny had zoned out halfway through and didn't comprehend a word she said. Aizawa was pretending to listen but Danny was pretty sure he was sleeping with his eyes opened.

"Recovery girl is going to murder you two when she finds out!" That was true, Recovery girl was gonna be pissed. However, with one look at his puppy dog eyes, she'll forgive him. Sucks to be Aizawa, he doesn't have that privilege.

"Aw c'mon Nemuri! You can't stay mad at them forever, they snuck out of the hospital so they can be with us!" Yamada reasoned.

"Yeah! I wanted to watch movies with you two and cuddle with pebbles. I don't like hospitals" Danny, of course, used his puppy dog eyes whilst pouting. This seemed to do the trick because Nemuri gave him a big hug and forgave him.

"Shota... Shotaaaa" Yamada shook Aizawa's shoulder, who was staring at nothing whilst snoring. He jumped a few seconds later then glared at Yamada.

"I see she's finally done. Nice work kid" He whispered the last part. Danny cheekily grinned while hugging Nemuri back.

"Now! Let's watch the entire Harry Potter series again!" Yamada cheered.

"I think I need to go back to the hospital" Aizawa got up and limped his way towards the coat rack. grabbed his jacket with his good arm.

"Yeah, me too I don't think my leg is fully healed" Danny limped his way after Aizawa.

"You know now that you mention it, I believe I need to go to the hospital too" Nemuri faked a cough and followed Danny.

"...alright fine you guys can pick the movie" Yamada pouted and grabbed pebbles who reluctantly snuggled up in his arms.


Poor Yamada 😭💀

Danny called Aizawa dad :D UwU


Tis all,

Good day.

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