Chapter |3|

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Danny's knee bounced in excitement as they sat in their airplane seats. Aizawa was burrowed in his yellow sleeping bag while slurping a juice pouch he had managed to sneak onto the plane.

"What's Japan like? Is it pretty? All the pictures I've seen of Japan are beautiful" Dannys' eyes nearly sparkled as he talked about how beautiful he thought Japan was. Aizawa much preferred this Danny compared to the nervous ball of anxiety he was around his parents.

"Lots of buildings. Anyways, kid, how's your Japanese?" Aizawa asked the raven-haired teen.

"Oh, my quirk allows me to speak and understand all languages fluently so it won't be a problem" Danny answered in perfect Japanese. Aizawa blinked in surprise.

Aizawa wanted to ask more about his quirk. Like how many abilities he had. He also wanted to question why his parents thought he was quirkless. However, judging by their constant lab attire and obvious negligence, he wouldn't be surprised if Danny got his quirk by one of his parents' inventions malfunctioning.

However every time he brought up the topic of his parents he got uncomfortable and nervous. He didn't want the kid to be nervous around him so he dropped the subject.

He's sure the kid will tell him when he's ready.


Danny yawned as he and Aizawa gathered their luggage. They arrived in Japan at around 5 in the afternoon and all Danny wanted to do was sleep. However, he didn't want to have a messed-up sleep schedule so he chose not to.

The two walked out of the airport and towards a cab, which Aizawa had called for as soon as they got off the plane. The cab driver opened up the trunk for them to put their luggage inside then they all got in the car.

Danny never realized he fell asleep until he felt somebody shake him awake.
"Wake up kid, we're here"
Groaning, the black-haired teen yawned as he rubbed his eyes awake. He wordlessly got out of the cab after Aizawa and got his luggage from the trunk.

After paying the cab driver, Aizawa climbed the steps towards his apartment door. He pulled out a set of keys and unlocked his paint-scratched front door. He opened the door and ushered both Danny and himself inside before his annoying neighbor decided to say hello.

Danny took his shoes off and placed them on the shoe mat laying beside the door. He looked around Aizawas apartment. It was quite small but had a homey feel to it. It was fairly clean and well organized. Aizawa set his luggage down before making his way into the kitchen which was connected to the living room.

"Why don't you go put your belongings in the guest bedroom while I make us something to eat" Danny nodded and blushed a bit when his stomach growled.

"Sorry" he mumbled, blushing in embarrassment.

"There's no need to apologize for being hungry, Danny" Danny didn't respond, he knew he shouldn't apologize for his stomach demanding food but it was a habit. He just nodded his head and turned around, luggage in hand. He felt even more embarrassed now.

He walked into the living room and down the hallway next to it. He opened the door labeled "Guest Bedroom" (really convenient) and walked inside. There was a twin-size bed in one corner of the room with a nightstand next to it. The room also had a small closet and a dresser.

He folded his clothes and put them in the dresser before hanging his sweatshirts up in the closet. After he was done he took out a photograph he had taken (secretly) from his parent's storage room. It was a picture of a four-year-old Danny smiling next to a six-year-old Jazz. He placed the picture on the nightstand next to his bed.

He suddenly heard the sound of something hitting the ground followed by a grumbled curse. He walked out of the guest room and into the kitchen where he saw Aizawa picking up a bunch of pans that fell from the open cupboard.

"Careful kid there's glass" Aizawa motioned towards a pile of glass shards lying next to a broken lid belonging to one of the pans.

Danny was too tired to reply, he hoped Aizawa didn't think he was being rude but instead bent down next to the tired-looking hero to help pick up the mess. Soon, the pans were put away and the glass was picked up.

Danny's stomach grumbled which made him both blush and panic. He had to remind himself that he wasn't with his mom and dad, he wouldn't get punished for simply being hungry. He shouldn't apologize either, Aizawa even said so.

He's safe here.

"How about we order pizza instead," Aizawa said as he grabbed his phone. Danny's eyes practically sparkled, he's always wanted to try pizza. Considering his parents never cooked for him and he wasn't allowed to use up any of their food he survived off of fruit snacks, top ramen, Eggo waffles, and apples he picked off of their neighbor's tree.

How he is still alive- Nevermind..

"I'll take that as a yes" Aizawa said in an amused tone of voice once he saw the excitement in Danny's eyes. After thirty minutes of trying to decide what to get, during which Aizawa discovered the horrifying truth that Danny never had pizza, in the end, they got plain cheese.

Suddenly, the door barged open.
"SHOTAAAAAAAA" a voice yelled out. Following after the noise was a thud and an 'ouch'.

"Shhhh the kid could be sleeping for all we know!" A female voice scornfully said. He heard Aizawa let out a groan beside him.

"Not those idiots..." He mumbled, groaning once more as he buried his head in his hands.

"Who're they?" Danny asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Stupid and annoying" was all the tired hero said before motioning Danny towards the living room where the two new guests stood.

A guy with long blonde hair and a girl with long black hair stood in front of Aizawa's front door. The blonde was groaning in pain on the ground while the lady wore a smug grin as she crossed her arms.

"Good job you fucking killed him" Aizawa smiled which once again scared the fuck out of Danny.

"Shotaaaaa" The blonde male on the ground whined as he flopped on his back. Both of the adults' eyes trailed over to Danny's small form.

"Holy shit he's adorable" The lady borderline squealed out as she rushed over to engulf him in a bear hug.

"Hiya little listener!" The blonde cheerfully greeted as he stood up like nothing ever happened and made his way over to the three. He flinched a bit at first but Danny couldn't help but melt into the hug a little. When was the last time he was ever hugged? He hadn't a clue.

He likes hugs.

"There's no way I'm allowing you to train him! He's too small and precious! Not to mention he's way too young to start training for hero work, he can't be any older than 10" Danny's eye twitched in annoyance. He's 13 for fucks sake.

"First of all he's not then he's 13, second of all let the kid go, third of all who the fuck gave you guys a spare key to my apartment" Aizawa's eye also twitched in annoyance.

"We broke in"

"Dammit Yamada you weren't supposed to tell him"

"Go home"


Anyhoooooo yeah :D

Danny deserves all the hugs 😔

Tis all,

Good day.

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