Chapter |26|

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Hope u enjoy :D


Aizawa struggled not to fall asleep as he sat next to Danny's still form. After four days in the hospital, they deemed it safe for Danny to be transferred to UA's medical facility, where Recovery girl would be healing him. They needed a parent's permission, which Aizawa gave.

The day the CPS agent arrived from America was the day Aizawa finally adopted Danny. He was surrounded by his family as he signed the papers. Yamada would've thrown a party right then and there had they been under better circumstances. He did, however, yell with glee when Aizawa received the text confirming that the adoption went through.

He only wished his kid had been awake during it.

Danny hasn't awoken at all since the accident, but all the doctors and nurses told the hero not to worry. After the stress, his body and mind went through and all the energy being used up to heal him, it's not surprising for Danny to still be unconscious.

A pile of 'get well soon cards, gifts, and balloons lay on the other side of Danny's hospital bed. All from his worried classmates. All of which have visited, the most common being Kirishima, Izuku, Mina, Denki, and surprisingly Bakugou. Izuku and Danny have both bonded over their once quirkless status, and the others were all there during the accident.

  "You awake?" Aizawa looked up with hooded eyes at his twin sister, who stood in the doorway, two coffees in hand. Shiori had provided great comfort for him, calming him down when he feared Danny wasn't going to make it.

"Barely" Aizawa mumbled out tiredly,
gratefully accepting the coffee she offered. His sister took a seat next to him and looked over at Danny's still form.

"From what you all told me about the kid, he's as stubborn as you are. He'll be up and walking around much to the doctor's dismay in no time," She gave Aizawa a comforting smile, trying to lighten the heavy mood.

It seemed to work as her twin brother's face cracked a small smile.
"You got that right... My kids, a damn stubborn one"

He spat his coffee out in surprise when she smacked him upside the head.
"Yeah, 'my kid', speaking of when the hell were you going to tell me you took in a kid!" Aizawa gave her an annoyed glare as he wiped the spilled coffee off his shirt.

"I was going to wait until after I adopted him, Besides, didn't the brat tell you about him?" Aizawa asked, referring to Shinso.

"All he told me was that you took in another stray, thought he meant a damn cat, not a whole ass child" Shiori responded with an eye roll. Aizawa shrugged but didn't respond, instead choosing to drink the rest of his coffee in peace as he stared at his comatose kid.

A few minutes later, they heard a couple of knocks on the door. They turned and saw Yamada and Nemuri, both out of uniform since school had ended. Aizawa refused to leave his kid's side, he didn't know how he'd react when he awoke, and he wanted to be there for him. Nezu had a teacher sub in for him while he was away.

"How's the little listener doing? Has he woken up yet?" Yamada gently asked, sitting opposite of Aizawa and Shiori. Nemuri sat next to her loudmouthed friend.

"No, the doctor said he'll wake up any day now, though. Do you guys want any coffee? I can go pick some up real quick. I have to drop Shinso off anyway, so it won't be a bother," The twin asked as she stood up and grabbed her purse.

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