Chapter |4|

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Danny soon learned that the two that broke into Aizawa's apartment were not robbers but instead his two best friends Yamada Hizashi and Nemuri Kayama. They were both well-known pro heroes.

Nemuri showered him in hugs which took him a while to get used to. He only just recently stopped flinching whenever she went in for a hug. He hasn't had any type of affection since he was four, not including that one time Dora had hugged him for helping her fight off her abusive brother. He can now confidently say he loved hugs. Once Yamada had noticed this he too have him plenty of hugs. Aizawa wasn't the hugging type but did show affection through other means. Like when he just now ruffled Danny's hair for managing to freeze a single grape from a vine.

Danny had three months until the entrance exam and since he already had decent control of his quirk he should be ready in no time. Especially with the help of three pro heroes.

"Good job kid, now I have to go on patrol so why don't you head over to the market and get yourself something to eat for dinner?" Aizawa said as he gave Danny 2,000 yen.

"What if I get lost?" Danny asked as he looked up at the tired hero. Aizawa blinked at him.

"Kid we walked there plenty of times together certainly you know the way by now"

"Don't judge me okay, I still sometimes get lost in the apartment"

"It's literally just four rooms"

"Your point is?"

"Alright alright, here," He handed Danny a small flip phone.
"That's my old cell, you can use that to call me if you get lost. Tomorrow we'll head out and get you your phone" The underground hero put on his goggles.

"My... own phone? That's too much! You've already done enough for me! I can just use this one it's not a big deal!" Danny exclaimed in a small panic. He wasn't used to people spending money on him. He felt too guilty.

"Kid, kid calm down it's not a big deal. I'm the one who encouraged you to come to Japan and there's no way in hell I'm gonna let you walk around with a five-year-old cell phone. There's a lot of villains around here" With that, he wrapped his capture gear around him like a scarf and climbed out the window.

Danny's stomach began to growl so he decided to head out. He tucked the old cell phone into his back pocket along with the 2,000 yen.

He made sure to close and lock the door on his way out, also putting the key in his pocket. As he walked down the busy sidewalk, he couldn't help but notice a bunch of crows flying about in circles. One even swooped down and pecked his shoulder but was shooed away by a kind old woman. Danny smiled at her and thanked her before soon catching sight of the market.

He mentally congratulated himself for not getting lost, which was a miracle. He walked inside the marketplace and began to search for something easy to make. He didn't have any knowledge of food but he was up to trying new things. One of those things is ice cream. One time in second grade the class was rewarded with ice cream for good behavior but one of his bullies decided to steal it.

Making up his mind he went to the ice cream aisle and grabbed some chocolate ice cream. He then went to pick something for dinner since he knew having ice cream for dinner wasn't a healthy choice. Granted, would it affect him? No, but he also wanted to try some new ramen. After looking over some choices he picked out some miso ramen. Taking his two items upfront, he checked out and paid for his meal. It cost 441 yen so he had plenty to give back to Aizawa.

He put his groceries in a paper bag then headed out. There were a lot fewer people out on the streets on his way back to Aizawa's apartment. A bunch of clouds was also blocking the sun's light so it was a bit darker as well. He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. The crows seemed to be watching him though which made him shudder. He quickened his pace to make it back faster. However, as he passed by a sketchy-looking neighborhood he came to the sudden realization that he was lost. How he didn't realize sooner is beyond him. He thought about calling Aizawa but thought against it, after all the hero is probably in the middle of saving someone. He is on patrol after all.

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