Chapter |27|

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"You excited?" Aizawa asked his kid, who was vibrating with excitement. Danny was finally cleared healthy enough to head home.

The ghostly teen sat in his wheelchair, waiting for Recovery Girl to show up. He couldn't wait to see Pebbles again, who was currently being taken care of by Yamada. They planned on stopping by his uncle's place to pick her up.

Unbeknownst to Danny, Aizawa had a surprise waiting at Yamada's, so pebbles aren't the only reason they were stopping by. Although his kid hadn't mentioned it, Today was his son's 14th birthday. His classmates were waiting at Yamada's house, where his surprise birthday party was at.

Recovery Girl knew of the party and made Danny stay a few more days, so he'd be nearly fully recovered by his birthday. The only reason why he was in the wheelchair was that they didn't want him tripping or falling. The kid is more graceful on ice than he is on concrete.

"I can't wait to see pebbles! And marigold, I haven't seen her since the carnival! I can't wait to get a proper fish tank so we can finally take her home" Danny missed his goldfish.

"We'll get one soon, kid" The hero ruffled his sons' hair. Soon, Recovery Girl arrived and after kissing Danny on the forehead right along with a lollipop, she sent them off.

Aizawa pushed Danny's wheelchair, which the ghostly teen was not happy about, down the hallway and towards the exit where Shiori was waiting for them.

"Hey squirt, feeling better?" His aunt asked. Danny smiled brightly, nodding his head.
"Yup! Recovery Girl even gave me the approval to attend school as long as I take it easy during hero exercises!" Danny couldn't wait to go back to school and see all of his friends without having to hear the annoying beeping from various medical appliances.

"We're still discussing it brat, you might end up waiting another week" at Aizawa's comment, Danny proceeded to pout.

The three made their way towards the parking lot where Shiori's car was waiting. Shinso was already in the back seat. Danny leaped up from the wheelchair and opened the car door, hopping in next to the tired-looking teen.

"Oh good, you're no longer on the verge of death" Shinso greeted.

"Technically, I'm always on the verge of death, I was just a little more so this time"

"Ah, nothing to be concerned about then."

Aizawa put the wheelchair in the back then got into the passenger's seat, Shiroi in the driver's spot. They pulled out of the UA parking lot and towards Yamada's apartment, which was a short drive away.

Danny looked over at Shinso and saw him playing a game on his phone.
"Whatcha playing? Is it Minecraft? I saw Denki play it on his phone, it looked fun"

"It's a zombie game, here give me your phone I'll download it for you, so we can play together" Shinso paused his game and took Danny's phone.

"What's your password?" The purple-haired teen asked.

"Password," Danny said, causing his cousin to stare at him with a judgemental eyebrow raise.

"Your password is the password?" He typed in the password.

"Yeah, Aizawa changed it after the fifth time I locked myself out of it," Shinso didn't look surprised.

By the time Shinso downloaded the app and created Danny's account, the family pulled into Yamada's driveway. Danny hopped out before Aizawa could grab the wheelchair and ran towards the door.

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