Chapter |17|

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Onto the next chappy we goooo


"Woah! Is that a carnival!?" Danny looked at it in awe. There were food stands, rides, games, and colorful lights decorating the entire thing.

"Oh, I didn't know the carnival was in town!" Nemuri smiled as she dragged Aizawa, Yamada, and Danny over to the ticket stand.

"Not, I'm not spending my day off in a crowded place full of screaming children" Aizawa turned back around but stopped when Danny grabbed ahold of his arm.

"Pretty please! I've only been to one once but that was when I was like 3! I couldn't even ride anything because I was too short, you know since I was a toddler!" Danny pouted and used his best puppy dog eyes.

"What do you mean 'was'? You're still shorter than most 9 years olds" Dannys' mouth dropped at the audacity Aizawa had to say that to his face.

Yamada scolded Aizawa for 'bullying his nephew' while Nemuri was laughing at Danny's face. Danny crossed his arms and turned away, grumbling profanities under his breath.

"Oh stop grumbling you know I'm just joking" Aizawa laughed and ruffled his hair. Normally this would have been a surprise, Aizawa showing emotions. However, Yamada and Nemuri both noticed how much Danny had influenced their lives. Nemuri smiled and motioned towards the ticket booth.

"Well, we better hurry up and get some tickets before they all run out" Danny looked at her with an excited smile before running towards it.


He knew he wasn't joking.


"Danny's my roller coaster buddy!" Nemuri exclaimed before the other two had the chance too.

"Fine, I'm riding alone" Yamada looked hurt at Aizawa's statement.

"B-But why!? You know I hate going on rides alone!"

"And I hate being puked on" The tired hero deadpanned.

"..fair enough"

"Can we ride the merry-go-round?" Danny asked with his puppy dog eyes. Nemuri immediately nodded and dragged them towards the carousel.

After the carousel, they played a few carnival games. Yamada won a stuffed little ghost which he gave to Danny. Nemuri won a free ticket to play another game and Danny won himself a goldfish which he named Marigold.

"Let's ride a roller coaster now!" Yamada exclaimed in excitement before dragging them towards one of the rollercoasters.

"A-Actually how about we ride the merry-go-round again?" Danny stammered out, looking everywhere but at the three adults.

Aizawa grinned mischievously.
"Now now, don't tell me that you're afraid of roller coasters?"

Danny looked at him sheepishly before nodding his head. Nemuri looked surprised.
"But can't you fly?"

"Yes, however, I don't think I would be able to use my powers after the shock of being thrown out of my seat before falling hundreds of feet to my death- second death" Danny looked at Aizawa with pleading eyes.

"You watched scary roller coaster accidents on YouTube again, didn't you?"


"After I told you not to?"


"As punishment, we're riding one"

"You give cruel punishments"

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