Chapter |10|

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Does thou enjoy le baguette 🥖 sparklesparkle


Danny followed the rest of the guys to the locker rooms. He chatted with Kirishima and two other guys on the way there. Their names were Denki and Sero and they seemed to be pretty nice. Although Denki kept on making lowkey pervy comments on the girls but other than that he seemed like a fun person to hang out with. Sero was funny and seemed to be good friends with Denki. The three got along just fine.

"Man, your Japanese is so good if you didn't tell me I probably wouldn't have known you were from America," Sero said, the other two nodding along.

"Thanks, it's a part of my quirk which allows me to understand and speak any language fluently" Danny replied, immediately regretting it. He didn't want to sound like he was bragging.

"Dude that's so awesome!" Denki said smiling at the small ghostly teen.

"What do you mean 'part of your quirk' Danny kun?" Izuku asked, getting closer to Danny with a glint in his eyes that showed he was eager to learn more about the boy's quirk. Danny nervously smiled at the other small boy's expression.

"U-Um, well my main abili-" Danny was cut off by Iida.

"Since all of you are done changing we should go meet with Aizawa Sensei! We do not want to keep him waiting!" The tall boy exclaimed, making hand motions.

"Oh, well I guess you'll have to tell me later!" Izuku said.

"Yeah guess so"

They met up with the girls halfway there. Ochako, who Danny recognized from the Entrance Exam, immediately started talking with Iida and Izuku after saying hello to the ghostly teen.

"Hey, Mina!" Kirishima waved down a girl with pink skin, pink hair, yellow eyes, and yellowish horns.

'She looks so cool!' Danny thought.

She smiled and walked over to the four of them. Sero and Denki greeted her, it seemed they already knew her. She looked at Danny and smiled.
"Hi, I'm Mina Ashido, nice to meet ya!"

"I'm Danny, nice to meet you as well" Danny smiled back at her.

Soon, they all arrived outside where Aizawa was waiting for them. There was what looked to be a small obstacle course on the grassy field. They all stood side by side as they waited for Aizawa's instructions.

"Huh, how come there are so many crows out today?" Ochako wondered out loud. Danny, who felt uncomfortable under their beady-eyed stares, used Kirishima as a shield. Everyone else looked over at Tokoyami who didn't seem to notice.

"This will be like the normal fitness exams you took during middle school, however, this time you will be using your quirks to help you receive good scores" Aizawa explained, arms crossed.

"That's it? That sounds kinda like fun" Ochako said with an excited grin. Aizawa's expression morphed into a grin of his own. Danny became nervous, nothing good could come from that face.

"Fun hm? How about this, whoever comes in last place will be expelled" which earned several reactions from the class. Danny knew he wasn't bluffing, Nemuri and Yamada both told him stories of Aizawa expelling students who didn't seem fit to be in the hero course.

"B-But you can't do that!" Ochako nervously stammered out. Aizawa grinned again.

"Let's see about that"

Once everyone was done panicking, they waited for Aizawa to continue.

"Danny, since you scored first place in the exam you'll go first" Danny looked at Aizawa in utter betrayal. Aizawa ignored the look and motioned him to stand next to him. Danny did as told.

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