Chapter |29|

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Hope u enjoy :)



Danny stared sleepily at himself in the mirror. He was awoken in the middle of the night by a sharp pain in his gums and jaws. He carefully lifted his lip to get a decent look at the painful area.

A tiny sharp fang, that wasn't there before, peaked out of his gums. He checked the other side and, sure enough, protruding from the left side of his mouth was a matching tiny fang. Opening his mouth, the teen checked out his newly acquired set of teeth. He winced as he closed his mouth again, his mouth still sore from his newly grown teeth.

He walked out of the bathroom and towards Aizawa's door. He knocked three times before it opened up, revealing a tired Aizawa on the other side.
"I swear kid if you woke me up to kill another spider" still, the underground hero grabbed a rolled-up newspaper.

Instead of answering, Danny just gave him a toothy grin to show off his new baby fangs. Aizawa stared at him and blinked. Once. Twice.

"Do me a favor and lie to me by saying those aren't real"

"But you told me that lying is bad"

"Yes but unless you want me to lie in the ground forever you'll ignore that"


"Awww look at you! With your adorable baby fangs!" Nemuri gushed as she pinched Danny's cheeks. Danny continued to smile, showing off said baby fangs. His gums had stopped hurting which he was pretty happy about. They didn't take much time to get used to either.

"Quit gushing over my kid and go to your actual classroom" Aizawa sipped his coffee, ignoring the annoying glare from Nemuri. It was Danny's first day back at school since the attack and he was excited to see his classmates again. He did see them the day before since it was the second part of the sports festival. He spent the festival in the sound booth with Aizawa and Yamada so he didn't have a chance to greet them. He did congratulate Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Bakugou though.

"I'm the guest teacher today, you old grump" Nemuri sassed, hand on her hip.

"Guest teacher for what?" Danny asked, curious as to why Nemuri was gonna be teaching their class.

"You'll find out soon little ghost" was his only response.

Pretty soon, Iida, who always showed up to class a half-hour early, walked through the door. He politely greeted Aizawa and Nemuri before spotting Danny.

"Ah, I see you are back in class! If you need any help catching up I will be more than happy to!" Iida exclaimed in his usual booming voice.

"That'd be awesome! Thanks, Iida!" Danny grinned. Iida seemed a little surprised when he noticed the fangs.

"Real" Aizawa sighed.



"Hey bro! Good to see you back in class!" Kirishima grinned as he sat down next to Danny.

Danny grinned back.
"Hi! Good job at the sports festival by the way!"

Denki, who was next to Kirishima, laughed when he saw Danny's fangs.
"Dude, Halloween isn't for like, six months. Why're you wearing faux vampire fangs"

Danny stared at him in confusion.

Denki's laugh immediately stopped.
"Oh, why am I even confused at this point" flopping on his desk, Denki let out a dramatic whine.

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