Chapter |25|

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If u see any mistakes lemme knowwwww~ I didn't proofread so there are probs gonna be some confusing bits 💀


"Are you sure their uniforms said, Fenton?" Detective Tsukauchi asked the dual-haired boy in front of him.

"Yes," The teen confirmed. They were in the nurses' office, Todoroki being treated for his hyperthermia. Detective Tsukauchi was there, asking him questions about what he saw before Danny ran off.

Aizawa was also there, pacing back and forth in worry. He wanted nothing more than to look for his kid but had to stay to make sure Todoroki did see the Fentons. After asking a few more questions, Tsukauchi stood up and thanked him.

"He's telling the truth" Aizawa closed his eyes after Tsukauchi informed him. The Fentons were there, saw Danny use his quirk, then caused his kid to flee in panic.

"Oh dear, I'll inform security and the rest of the Staff to keep a look-out for them. Meanwhile, Present Mic and Midnight keep the audience entertained until we find Danny" Nezu told the two pros before walking out to alert everyone else.

"If they hurt him, I swear I'll find and maim them until not even their DNA can identify them" Tsukauchi chose to ignore Midnight's possible future murder confession.

Aizawa didn't say anything as he stormed out of Recovery Girls' office.

If they touch even a single hair on his kid's head, he'd have to rethink his hero morals.


"Put the ghost scum down, or I'll shoot"

The four conscious teens whipped around at the threat.
"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY, BASTARD?!" Bakugou exploded at the two adults in front of the group, activating his quirk.

They were aiming a strange ass looking pistol at their sleeping friend. Immediately, Kirishima hardened his body and covered Danny from their view. Mina quickly shot a blast of Acid at the gun. Shockingly, It didn't melt the gun like her acid usually did, but it surprised the orange-haired woman enough for her to drop it.

Denki surged forwards and picked up the gun, so they couldn't grab it again. Bakugou raced forwards, hands ready to explore the couple's faces off. Time seemed to freeze when the man, who wore a funky orange suit, pulled out an even larger weapon and shot at the blonde teen.

Mina gasped in fear before her expression turned to confusion as the bullet harmlessly passed through a stunned Bakugou.
"We don't want to harm you kids, although the monster you're protecting does," The woman's tone was of disgust as she mentioned the 'monster'.

"Monster!? Monster!? Are you calling him a monster? The two grown-ass adults who just shot at a fucking teenager!?" Mina was furious, and it took all her willpower not to melt them with her acid.

Denki looked down at the strange-looking ecto gun in his hands. He turned it over, eyes widening as he read what was written on the side.
"Fenton Ghost Hunting Ecto Gun..? You're his parents!?" Denki knew Danny's parents were bad, but to outright call their son a monster and try to kill him? Holy fucking shit.

The rest of them looked equally appalled. His parents were ghost hunters, their son had a ghost-like quirk.

It suddenly made a lot of sense.

"IM GOING TO EXPLODE YOUR HEADS OFF" Bakugou's fist lit up in explosions once more.

"You have no idea what that piece of scum did to our town, we're trying to help you, kids! Give us the ghost and trust us, you'll be saved from its evil," The woman was near hysterics as she shouted.

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