Chapter |30|

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Danny was worried, for the past week, Aizawa had been acting stranger than usual. He seemed more protective if that was even possible. Even though Aizawa is with him most of the day, the times where he's out on patrol or teaching another class he still sends Danny a text every 5 minutes. If Danny doesn't respond, Aizawa comes and finds him.

Since the behavior started out of no where, Danny was worried something had happened. Currently, he was in Yamada's English class. Since he has his ghost speak quirk, and English is his first language and best subject, he usually acts as a tutor in the class. Today they were reading however so Danny didn't need to do much.

"Hey little listener, everything ok?" Yamada quietly asked, placing a gentle hand on Danny's shoulder. Danny responded with a shrug. Yamada and Nemuri were also acting similarly to Aizawa. He had to find out what was going on or else he'd have a heart attack.

"I'm ok" Danny mumbled back, staring at his book in front of him. Yamada gave him one more worried look before walking down the other rows of desks to check on his other classmates.

Once the bell rang, Danny stood up and threw his backpack on. Kirishima was automatically by his side.
"Hey bro! The new arcade down the street is opening up today, wanna go there after school? The rest of our friends are going, even bakubro!" Denki and Sero joined them as they walked out of the classroom.

Danny immediately perked up in excitement.
"Frick yeah! I gotta ask Aizawa first though" Danny quickly whipped out his phone to ask.

Muffin: can I plz go to the new arcade today after school, everyone else is going (○'Δ`人)

If his dad did agree, he'd probably make either Nemuri or Yamada chaperone him since he had patrol after school.

"Did you say frick? Why the hell are you using censored cursing now?" Denki asked as they made their way towards the lunchroom.

"Nemuri made a bet with me that if I didn't say any bad words for a whole week she'd give me 5 muffins but if I do say a bad word then I can't eat any muffins for 5 days" Danny explained, waiting patiently for a text back.

"Midnights smart.." Sero mumbled, she found out the Danny hack. The group nodded in agreement. Danny jumped a bit when his notifications went off. He looked at his phone screen.

CrankyDadMan: only if Nemuri agrees to go with you, make sure you're back before dinner. My patrol should be finished up by then. How does Onigiri sound?

Danny gave the group an excited thumbs up. He couldn't wait, he did have one question though.

"By the way, what do you do at an arcade?"

The group groaned.


"Oi, if your dumbass gets lost on the way we're leaving you behind!" Bakugou shouted back at Danny, who was lagging.

"Oh come on, I don't even get lost that much anymore! Not since Aizawa put that tracker in my shoe!" Danny exclaimed, quickly tying his laces. He stood up and quickly caught up with the rest of his friends.

"I brought the leash, just in case" Nemuri smiled innocently as she held up the child leash that Danny hated. The disdain must have been plastered all over his face since Nemuri gave him a quick forehead kiss.

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