Chapter |20|

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I'm on a roll maaaan

Anywho~ pls enjoy the chappy :D if u see any mistakes lemme knowwwww, I didn't proof read it cuz- idk.. laziness ig 💀🤚

Tis all,




Father: Language, please.

AlienQueen: so when should our class sleepover be?

Mother: class sleepover?

AlienQueen: heard Kirishima and Danny talking about having one, so let's start planning!!!

UravityEET: oooooh that sounds like a lot of fun!!!

ZuZu: Sounds great :D when? Before or after the sports festival?

Froppy: I say after, like maybe the following weekend?

Sharkyboii: works for me, wbu guys?

ZuZu: Works for me :D

AlienQueen: good for me too

Mother: That'll be fine

Father: I am free, this will be a great way for us to bond with our future hero partners!

Sharkyboii: how about you, Danny?

Muffin: I'll have to ask Aizawa but I think I'll be free :3

ZuZu: so the weekend after the sports festival is good for everyone? We all agree right?

AlienQueen: hell yeahhhhhh

Pikachu: why are we calling it a class sleepover when only half the class is in this group chat?

Tapeyboii: that was a surprisingly good question

Pikachu: I've been eating blueberries, supposed to make u smarter

Muffin: so you're saying eating blueberry muffins will make me smart? one sec

Mother: Danny It's late, you shouldn't be eating sugar this late at night. How about I bring you some homemade muffins tomorrow?

Muffin: Ok :D thankyou Momo!

Mother: 😊

Pikachu: dude how can u be so adorable yet fucking terrifying at the same time

Father: language

Mother: language

UravityEET: terrifying? How is he terrifying? all I see when I look at him is a giant ball of cuteness

Muffin: hey! I'm not adorable! Plus I can be scary when I want to be >:D

AlienQueen: I once caught you sobbing into your lunch after you accidentally stepped on a snail

Muffin: why'd you have to remind me

Sharkyboii: It's okay bro, Gary's in a better place

Kaboom: It's nine o fucking clock at night why the fuck are you guys spamming the fucking group chat

Father: language

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