Chapter |24|

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Welp here's the next part!

Enjoy 😀


TW: description of a panic attack so pls read with caution. Never written anything like this so I apologize if it's shitty/inaccurate. If you see any mistakes, please let me know!



Danny sipped on a juice pouch as he waited to see who he would be fighting in the first round of the tournament. He sat on the edge of the bench, Kirishima next to him keeping, his company.

"I wonder who we're gonna have to fight.." Kirishima thought out loud as his ghostly friend finished drinking up his juice pouch.

"Hm.. I'm not sure, are they pairing people up at random?" He was curious about it, although he guessed it would make more sense to pair people up at random.

"I think so, man I'm kinda excited, what about you? You seem to be less nervous after the Calvary Battle," The red-haired teen was happy his friend seemed to finally be enjoying himself.

"I am, thankfully! After the Calvary event, I found it a lot more fun," Kirishima smiled at his response.

"That's good bro, want me to throw that away for you?" He offered his hand out to take the empty juice pouch in Danny's hand.

"Hm, oh! Thanks, man!" Danny rewarded him with one of his cheerful grins.

"No problem!" Kirishima's face reddened at the expression on his friend's face, whose cuteness could rival that of a box full of puppies. So manly!

After throwing away the juice pouch, Midnight announced who they were fighting against had been revealed. Kirishima and Danny both looked at the board.

"TetsuTetsu TetsuTetsu? I thought he didn't make it to this round" Danny asked once he saw Kirishima's opponent.

"Oh, that's because Oijiro and Shoda both dropped out. Oh hey, look! You're fighting Todoroki!" Kiri informed.

"Huh, I mean we both do have ice-related quirks.. hm.." Danny hummed in thought as he began to plan. Kirishima checked the time and saw they only had a few minutes before the first round started.

"C'mon bro, let's go meet up with the rest of the class so we can watch Midoriya's fight" Danny nodded and followed his friend towards the area where Class 1-A would be observing. When they made it there they took a seat next to Denki, Sero, Mina, and Bakugou.

"Alright, everybody! Welcome to the battle tournament~ As you can see, your matchups were determined by lottery! Conditions for winning are; knocking your opponent out, rendering them unable to move, or getting them to surrender and/or step out of bounds! the first round is Midoriya Izuku Vs Shinso Hitoshi!" Class 1A cheered Izuku on as he entered the battle arena.

As Izuku fought, Danny began to formulate a plan on how to beat Todoroki in a fight. It wouldn't be easy, the dual-haired boy was certainly powerful. He also seemed to have been training most of his life, which would put him at an advantage point. Although Danny has had his quirk for nearly four years, he was still discovering new things about it. For example, he only developed the wail maybe three months before he met Aizawa.

Although the boy had a fire quirk, he never used it which made Danny a bit curious. He didn't ponder about it though.

He could feel Todoroki looking at him, most likely doing the same thing Danny was. The ghostly teen won't have any trouble fighting the boy if he just uses ice. After all, Danny has an ice core. An issue with that though is that Danny doesn't know how strong Todoroki's ice is compared to Dannys. He hopes he won't have to transform into his ghostly side in front of everyone, his transformation isn't exactly subtle...

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