Chapter |6|

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Here's an early chapter as a kinda late Christmas gift :D

"SHOTAAAA-" Yamada was cut off when Aizawa slammed the door in the poor hero's face. Nemuri kicked the door open afterward, Yamada being too busy pouting.

"Oh for fucks sakes what the fuck do you two want from me now" Aizawa grumbled as he lay on the floor, engulfed by his yellow sleeping bag.

"We're here to take Danny shopping!" Nemuri exclaimed. Yamada nodded behind her seeming to recover from his previous pouting fit.

"No, last time you went somewhere with him you let him get lost" Aizawa took a sip from one of his juice pouches as he stared at his two annoying friends.

"The past is the past, now let us take him shopping his room looks depressing and all of his clothes have holes in them. Not to mention he only owns like three shirts" Nemuri reasoned. Aizawa had meant to take Danny shopping earlier but the two were too busy working on his quirk and hand-to-hand combat skills. Especially after the villain incident.

"Plus, while we take him shopping you can take a nap-" Yamada was cut off by the sleepy hero.

"Fine." With that, the pro hero zipped up his sleeping bag the rest of the way before rolling out of view.

A few hours later, Nemuri and Yamada both reluctantly called Aizawa to inform them that they had somehow lost Danny.

He was found hours somehow across the fucking city.

They lost babysitting privileges for a month.


"What's this?" Danny tilted his head when Aizawa brought him outside to show him a bike.

"I figured riding a bike would be a more efficient way for you to get to school instead of walking or paying for the bus" Aizawa explained. Danny suddenly began playing with the hem of his sleeve which caused Aizawa to frown.

"Alright kid, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing! It's just that... I've never learned how to ride one before"

So for the rest of the afternoon, Aizawa began teaching Danny how to ride a bike. At some point, both of his friends from hell arrived and secretly took pictures of the two to put in a family album of theirs.

Aizawa knew they were there, he just didn't feel like acknowledging their existence.


"Why do I have to wear this stupid thing?" Danny huffed as he failed to tie the tie for the fifth time.

"If I have to wear one then so do you. It's Yamada's birthday and for some reason he wants us to wear ties" Aizawa explained as he untied his.

"He just wants us to not look homeless for once doesn't he?" Danny watched as Aizawa tied his tie more slowly so Danny could copy.

Aizawa hummed in confirmation as Danny began to tie his once more. He ended up making a knot on accident which both of his hands got stuck in.

"Kid how the fuck"

"Please just help me"


Aizawa had just gotten back from patrol and couldn't sleep. It wasn't unusual, with the number of naps he takes during the day sometimes it's difficult going to sleep at night.

Since sleep seemed impossible that night, he decided to sit on his couch and finish up some paperwork. He had caught three villains that had just escaped prison while he was on patrol.

He was just finishing up his first page of paperwork when he heard Danny begin to scream from his room. In a panic, he shot up from the couch and kicked down his door.

He looked around, ready to fight a bitch, but stopped when he saw Danny on top of his closet door. He was looking at Aizawa with a sheepish and embarrassed look.

Aizawa sighed.
"Alright kid, where is it?" He asked as he grabbed a rolled-up newspaper.

Danny just pointed at the ground near his feet. Aizawa looked down and saw a cockroach. He quickly smacked and killed it with the newspaper before picking it up with a napkin and disposing of it in his trashcan.


"Mhm, Now go to sleep"


Aizawa and a few other heroes were having a meeting with Nezu at his office in U.A. Since the only people he trusted to watch Danny were also going, the kid had to come with. The first and last time he let that kid do something on his own he ended up nearly getting kidnapped.

Speaking of that incident, Aizawa decided to bring the glove Danny ripped off of the villain so Nezu could analyze it. He had a feeling DALV stood for something that would help him find out who sent that villain to attack Danny.

He wasn't stupid. That glove was specifically designed and made to withstand Danny's quirk. Someone wanted his kid and like hell is he gonna let them get him.

"At least I don't have to wear a tie again" Danny mumbled to himself as he walked alongside Aizawa towards U.A. Aizawa hummed in agreement as he walked down the sidewalk in his yellow sleeping bag. Passersby gave him weird looks but he didn't give a damn.

They soon arrived and Danny looked in awe at what would hopefully be his future high school. They were allowed entry once Aizawa showed them his hero and teaching license.

They walked into the school and Aizawa grabbed ahold of Danny's hoodie when he tried to wander off.
"I am not going to spend three hours searching for you again so no wandering off," he told the curious 13-year-old.

"Awww but Aizawaaaa" Aizawa was suddenly reminded of Yamada and thought about limiting their time together. He did NOT need two of them.

"No buts now come on" Danny pouted but followed the hero into Nezu's office. He was immediately greeted by the sight of several pro heroes and principal Nezu. It seems they were a half-hour late. Oops (Not really)

"Ah, Eraserhead, nice of you to finally join us," Nezu said in an overly cheerful tone.

Danny stared wide-eyed at the small mouse/rat/bear creature thingy. Aizawa watched Danny's mouth begin to open to probably ask a lowkey offensive question but quickly shoved a juice pouch in instead. Danny frowned but drank the juice pouch.

Aizawa just hummed in response to his question and plopped down in a chair. Danny sat next to him. Yamada and Nemuri both waved at him and Danny waved back.

The meeting was just about some boring teaching stuff so Danny was allowed to listen in. Halfway through, the ghostly teen had to use the bathroom. He looked over at Aizawa but found him asleep. Everyone else seemed to be engaged in conversation so he just went invisible and walked out.

Thirty minutes went by before Danny realized he was lost. He wandered through the school aimlessly in search of a damn bathroom. When he finally found one-two hour had passed and all of the pro heroes thought he was kidnapped so they were out in the city looking for him.

Aizawa was the one to find him curled up in one of the classroom drawers.

"I seriously need to get you one of those kid leashes what the fuck"



The entrance exam is the next chappy don't worryyyy

Also if u see any mistakes pls lemme know so I can fix ittt :D

Tis all,

Good day.

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