Chapter |5|

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Coconuts are nuts and nothing you say will change my mind


Danny poked at his muffin absentmindedly. It's been nearly a month and a half since that whole attempted kidnapping incident. Not much has happened since then other than meeting Aizawa's other friend, a sweet old lady who goes by the name of Recovery girl.

She healed up his nose and throat which he was very happy about. She also noticed his malnourishment and made him a meal plan which should hopefully get him to normal weight and make him have more energy. He also learned that the reason why his drawback lasted so long was that he had been lacking energy. So hopefully the meal plan also helped with that.

The most exciting thing that happened was he finally got to try ice cream. The ice cream he had originally bought was forgotten about in the alley and once Danny had woken up, he made it very clear he wanted that damn ice cream. So Yamada, who was determined to be 'the best uncle ever, went out and bought him several flavors of ice cream.

When he had gotten home from recovery girl Yamada, Nemuri, and Aizawa had a movie night whilst they tried all the ice cream. 'They' being Danny, Nemuri, and Yamada (since Aizawa decided to sleep instead).

The U.A entrance exam was less than a month away and Danny was both excited and nervous. He was mainly nervous about the written exam. At his old school none of his teachers, minus Mr. Lancer, helped him when he asked for it so he ended up failing some of the tests. The first time he failed was after the portal incident. Since he didn't have time to study, he ended up bombing his math test. When his parents heard about it they didn't react well. He still had a scar on his arm from the incident. It seemed the only time he existed to them was when he made a mistake.

Ever since then it only grew worse. His fear of failing made him forget everything during tests and after the third time he was punished he learned how to log into the school's computer. He sent emails to his parents on his teacher's accounts telling them he passed. How he had never been caught was still a mystery to him.

The only reason why he passed was that he retook all of his tests until he got a decent score. Luckily his teachers let him at least do that.

He knew that Aizawa would never punish him for failing but the fear was still there.
"Alright, what's wrong, kid?" Aizawa asked once he noticed the stressed-out look on Danny's face.

Danny jumped a bit, almost making him drop his breakfast muffin. He hasn't taken a bite of it yet.
"Nothing! Why do you ask?" Aizawa raised his eyebrow. The kid was such a horrible liar it made him wonder how the hell he had managed to hide his quirk from his parents.

"You look like your seconds away from a breakdown and you've been staring at your muffin for 15 minutes," the underground hero said in a monotone voice.

Danny sighed and put his muffin down on the table.
"I'm just worried about the entrance exam is all. What if I fail? Then this whole thing would have been for nothing" Danny finally said after a few minutes of silence.

Aizawa raised his eyebrow.
"You think I would have brought you down here if I'd think you'd fail? What I saw that day I met you is something I haven't seen in some of the pro heroes I work with. You have a real passion for saving people which is something a lot of people lack today. Even if you did fail the entrance exam, there is no way you won't get into U.A. When I see someone with as much potential as you have, I'm not giving up on them" Aizawa spoke with more emotion than Danny thought possible of the tired hero.

Danny relaxed a bit and gave the man a toothy grin.
"Thanks, Aizawa"

"No need to thank me, kid. Now eat your muffin" Danny picked his muffin back up and took a bite.

His eyes widened.

This was the best damn thing he'd ever tasted. Even better than the ice cream.








"You've eaten twelve muffins in the past ten minutes! You are not having any more!" Aizawa exclaimed, hiding the last pack of muffins on the highest shelf of the pantry.

"C'mon Aizawa let the poor kid have another muffin. He's been deprived of them all his life" Yamada said giving Aizawa his best puppy dog eyes alongside Danny.

"He's practically vibrating from the sugar rush, give it another minute and he'll probably crash soon" Nemuri pointed out, looking at the young half ghost who was indeed shaking from all the sugar he consumed.

Sure enough, a few seconds later Danny collapsed onto the kitchen floor out cold. Yamada poked the side of his face and received no response.
"Yeah, he's out cold. I'm saaaaad, whose gonna watch Disney movies with me now" The loud hero pouted. He looked over at Nemuri who shook her head. He then looked over at Aizawa.

"No" the tired hero deadpanned.






"Get the fuck out of my house right now"


:D Sorry it's short :p

The entrance exam is two chappys away. I don't know how many chapters this is gonna have, so far there's 11 chapters.

Also if you see any mistake pls lemme know so I can fix itttt

Tis all,

Good day.

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