Chapter |33|

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"Hurry up Tuck!" Sam exclaimed as Tucker tried picking the lock to the small birdcage the agents had trapped Lilith in. He was using one of Sams's hairpins.

"I'm trying! Besides, they nullified our quirks; are you sure Lilith is gonna understand what you want her to do?" Tucker glanced at the cell door, hoping nobody would walk in on them trying to set Lilith free.

"I wouldn't have recommended this idea if I wasn't" Sam sassed back, irritably. Tucker didn't blame her, after all, they were kidnapped right before they were about to board their flight.

"I can't believe Vlad outsmarted us! He must know about my quirk, and that we've been keeping tabs on him.. I hate how he's using us to get to Danny! That self sacrificing moron is probably on his way here right now!" Sam leaned her head against the concrete wall, stressed out.

"We might have gotten a bit too careless.. but it's okay, you have a plan and your plans always work" Tucker smiled once he heard the satisfactory click of a lock unlocking. Sam quickly crawled over to the cage and opened it. Lilith flew out and landed on Sams's arm.

"Alright Lilith, I know you can still understand me, I need you to go to that green-haired kids' house, the one that Raine told us about, do you remember?" To Tucker's surprise, Lilith nodded her head.

Sam had heard from one of the agents that they had tricked Eraserhead and the rest of the pro heroes into thinking that they were in America. Sam didn't know any other nearby heroes so she decided to send a note to one of Danny's most trusted friends.

Sam quickly reached into her pocket and grabbed a small notebook. She tore off a piece of paper. She reached into her other pocket and grabbed out a pen.

After scribbling out a quick recap of what happened, she rolled up the note and handed it to Lilith. Her friend grabbed the rolled-up note with her beak.

"He's Danny's friend, I need you to drop that note off to him. We'll be fine so don't worry about us, okay? You can fit through the cell bars; just don't get caught, I know you can do it" After Sams's explanation, Lilith shimmied through the gaps in their cell door then flew out of sight. Luckily the warehouse that they were being held hostage in was dimly lit so the dark bird wouldn't have any issues blending in.

"How the hell did you do that!? Vlad nullified our quirks!" Tucker asked in astonishment. Sam rolled her eyes.

"Do you have any idea how intelligent crows are? I may not be able to currently understand her, but I know she understands me.. she's always been able to understand me" Lilith had been Sams's only friend for the majority of her childhood and high school years. They've been together since Sam was seven years old, their bond was stronger than ever. Sam did not doubt in her mind that Lilith would still understand Sams's directions.

"Yeah, good point.. but are you sure putting our faith into a bunch of high school kids is a good idea?" Tucker knew he shouldn't judge, but this was Vlad they were talking about. He was unstable and crazy, not to mention dangerous! And unstable! And crazy!

"From the stories my crows have told me, this wouldn't be their first time dealing with crazy and unstable villains. Besides, didn't you say my plans always work?" Tucker knew he couldn't argue back at that.

They both perked up when they heard a familiar voice shout,
"Y'know, since you're ruining my week by kidnapping me the least you could do is carry me to my cell!" They both looked at each other, relieved that their friend sounded okay at the very least.

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