Chapter |8|

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Happy new year :D Can y'all believe I'm continuing this book and not leaving it after 4 chapters :) I Am proud of myself am proud.

Any who~ hope y'all have a fantastic new year! I know this past year has been hard on all of us so I hope this year is amazing!


"Teach me how to make my quirk stronger," Danny said as he stood in the doorway of Aizawa's room. Said man peaked up from his yellow sleeping bag and looked at Danny with an 'I'm done with you' expression.

"Danny it's three in the morning"

"I don't care I wanna create a big enough portal so I can toss myself in" The teens' serious expression lowkey made him concerned.

"If I can't toss myself in a different dimension then neither can you"

"I'll make one for you too"

"..we'll finish this discussion later now go to bed"


Danny was walking around Musutafu. No, he wasn't lost, only looking for something he couldn't find.

Which happened to be a map.

As he looked for something familiar to help him find his way back home he saw a pet store. He's never had a pet growing up, not even a fish, so he decided to check it out. He walked into the store and was immediately greeted with a bunch of excited barking and some meowing. Most of the pets inside were dogs and cats with a few rabbits and hamsters.

There wasn't anyone else inside aside from one worker who was adding some more goldfish to a tank. They didn't seem to notice him which he was thankful for since he wasn't in the mood to talk to strangers. He grew saddened at the sight of puppies and kittens in cages. He wanted to adopt all of them right then and there but knew he couldn't. There wasn't enough room in Aizawa's apartment for all of them.

Letting out a depressed sigh at the sad fact of reality, Danny decided to leave before he kidnapped- surprised adopted them all. He thought about asking the worker for directions but couldn't find them anywhere. They must have gone on break whilst Danny was looking at the adorable animals. He left the store and continued to walk down the street.

It was well past dark when he finally found a somewhat familiar sight. He was pretty sure Aizawa's apartment was nearby, or maybe not. He wasn't sure and was just guessing at this point.

He paused when his enhanced hearing picked up the sound of small meows. He immediately headed towards the direction of the small mews before coming across a dark alleyway. He went invisible in case some creeps were hiding in there then headed in. Luckily there didn't seem to be anybody in the alley. He did find the source of the meows which was a small black and white kitten laying in a cardboard box.

He immediately turned visible and crouched down. He took off his sweatshirt and bundled the kitten up so it was all nice and warm. The kitten began to purr as it snuggled up into his jacket.

"I hope Aizawa likes cats because you're my baby now"


"Hey Aizawa, do you think Pebbles is a good name for her?" Danny asked as he played with the kitten. It had been three days since he had first found her in the alleyway and still couldn't decide on a name.

"Mhm, very good name kid" Aizawa mumbled out as he filled out another page of paperwork. In all honesty, he didn't even hear the name.

"Alright, then it's finally settled! Her name shall he pebbles!" Danny smiled brightly as he rolled a ball of yarn towards the playful kitten. He checked the time and saw that it was time to feed her. He got up and walked towards the kitchen where he stored her cat food. Opening up the pantry door, he frowned when he saw all her food was gone.

"Where'd her cat food go?" He asked his current guardian.

"The loud idiot tried eating it last night after he got drunk so I hid it in my room, it's on my dresser," Aizawa said after he wrote his signature for what felt like the millionth time.

"I'm surprised you didn't let him eat it" Danny pried pebbles off his pant leg before making his way towards Aizawa's room.

"Oh trust me, I thought about it" Danny laughed as he opened his door. He walked inside and immediately spotted the cans of cat food. He picked it up and was about to leave when something else caught his eye.


"Oh for fucks sakes, ONE AND THAT'S IT!"

But alas, one turned into two, and two turned into 14. Soon, he had a hyper kid running around who could turn invisible.

He imagines this is what hell is like.


It's really short, I know.. this is mainly just a c r a c c filler chappy thingy.


Tis all,

Good day.

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