Chapter |19|

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HOPE YOU ENJOY if it's horrible I apologize in advance.

I have no idea how the law works 😀 if something doesn't make sense, fan-fiction magic 💀🤚

Tis all,

Hereth the chappy:


"Well I'd say you have a very strong case against the Fentons, I'll see what I can do, but it'll be tricky since the Fentons live in a different country but I'll see if I can get CPS to investigate their home; see if they can find any signs of neglect which there most likely will be. How's the kid?" Detective Tsukauchi asked over the phone.

Aizawa looked over at the snoring ghost boy asleep on his shoulder. After a very emotional night, the kid fell asleep pretty quickly. Aizawa didn't move him in fear of waking him up. The kid needed rest after the very tearful trip down memory lane. He brushed his kid's bangs out of his face, revealing the scar left behind by his father hitting him with a metal pipe.

His fists clenched at the thought of the Fentons. He knew something was going on, and now that it was confirmed he would do everything he could to make the Fentons lose custody of his kid.

He would also make sure they'd suffer.

"He's asleep, it was difficult for him to tell me everything. I don't think CPS will have trouble finding signs of neglect" Aizawa didn't see any pictures of Danny on their wall when he visited nor was there any food in the fridge. There were many more signs, those were only a few since he wasn't in that house for very long.

"Recovery Girl has his files she recorded when he first got here, I'll have her send them over. I'm sure it'll help"

"Okay, I'll have one of my guys email her. I'll talk to you tomorrow about it more, get some rest Aizawa" After saying goodnight, they hung up.

Aizawa looked back down at Danny, who cuddled up against his side with pebbles draped over his stomach. He let out a small smile, brushing his fingers through the kids' hair.

Gaining full custody of the kid would be a long and grueling process but it'll be worth it. With that last thought, Aizawa closed his eyes and, within seconds, fell asleep.


Danny yawned as he took a seat at his desk. He slumped forwards and rested his head against his folded arms. Telling Aizawa everything was far more stressful than telling his friend. Danny went into a little more detail than when he told Izuku, got a bit more choked up, and let himself cry while telling his guardian about Jazz. Having to speak about his sisters' death twice in one night took a toll on him emotionally. Especially since he wasn't able to mourn her death properly when it first happened.

Aizawa had seemed angry but had tried to hide it. Danny knew he wasn't angry at him but his parents. He let himself smile a bit when the tired hero asked his permission to try and adopt him once the Fentons lose custody. He didn't say if, which Danny knew meant Aizawa wasn't going to show his parents any mercy.

Kirishima leaned over in his seat and nudged the teen's head.
"Hey, are you okay?" The red-haired teens' voice was full of concern and when Danny sat up he saw that his face was as well.

"Yeah, yeah I'm just a bit tired. I had a rough night" He explained with a tired smile.

"I get those too, I'll cover for you if you want to go take a nap somewhere, just don't get yourself locked in the vending machines again" Kirishima didn't want to go through that again, he had to smuggle the key from the janitor so they didn't get in trouble.

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