Chapter |2|

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Danny wasn't a stranger to waking up in random places because of the drawback of his quirk. When he overuses it he gets very drowsy and ends up collapsing into a deep slumber. He usually wakes up after a few hours, the problem is it's very random. It could happen a minute after he overuses it for an hour. Most of the time he manages to find a decent place to nap but sometimes he'll just collapse in random places. Every time he'll wake up in the same spot. However this time he woke up on a comfy bed in a nice-looking hotel room.

"Tough drawback"

Danny jumped up in surprise. He looked around the hotel room but frowned when he didn't see anyone.

"Huh... where the hell..." Danny mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Down here"

Danny leaned over the side of the bed and came face to face with Aizawa who was laying on the ground in a yellow sleeping bag. He took a sip from a juice pouch before speaking once more.

"Are you going to answer my question or are you going to pass out again" Danny couldn't tell if he was asking in sarcasm or actual curiosity. He pondered for a minute thinking about what question he needed to answer before it hit him.

"Do you want to become a pro hero one day?"

"Huh? Well... to be honest, it's really hard to get a hero license in Amity so I was sorta planning on... um..." Danny trailed off, not wanting to admit he's been breaking the law all this time. Though for some reason the blank stare on the eraser hero told him he knew already.

"How would you feel about attending U.A next year?"

Danny doesn't remember anything past that, so that's when he most likely passed out. His face flushed red in embarrassment.

"Sorry about the whole passing out thing... Also, there are many other kids here with amazing quirks that are all way better options than me" Danny said, fumbling with the end of his red sweatshirt sleeves.

Aizawa stood up, still in his sleeping bag, and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I'll ask a question and decide that for myself. Listen, kid, why is it that you decided to fight that villain? I mean I was right there. I'm a pro hero, I could have done it on my own. Why choose to help me instead of running to safety?"

Danny looked down for a moment, thinking over his words.
"Because... I don't know really. I guess I just moved on my own? Like it was more of an instinct. I didn't think about it. I just want everyone to be safe. I don't want anyone to go through the pain of losing a loved one or getting hurt by a villain..." Danny trailed off, afraid he said too much. He wasn't used to talking this long or having a full conversation with someone. Yes, phantom gave him the confidence he needed but nobody really wanted to talk with him.

People can be real assholes.

He looked up to see a large, lowkey frightening, grin on Aizawa's face.

"That, kid, is why I'm asking you this. So, what's your answer?" He asked.

Danny thought for a moment. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sam and Tucker could handle things here in Amity along with a few of his ghostly allies. After a minute of silence, he finally answered.

"I want to go to U.A! I want to become a legal- Ignore I just said that, pro hero!" Danny exclaimed, standing up on the bed with a determined expression on his face. Aizawa gave him another grin before handing him a juice pouch.

"Good, now drink this you look like you're about to pass out again," The tired-looking hero said, staring at his pale face. He took the pouch and took a sip.

"Now, We'll need to talk with your parents about this of course" Aizawa didn't react when Danny suddenly choked on the juice pouch.

"Huh!? I mean uh.. um... they're really busy so it might be difficult to schedule a meeting with them..." Danny once again began playing with the hem of his sleeve. Aizawa figures it was a nervous tick of his.

"What are they doing today?" The tired hero asked. He could tell the kid was lying, he was pretty bad at it.

"I don't know-"

"Great, we'll find out when we get there. Get your shoes on"



Aizawa sat on Fenton's old worn-down couch, expression void of all emotion as he stared at the annoyed-looking couple in front of him. Danny was sitting on the recliner next to the pro hero, feet tapping against the floor anxiously. The woman, Madeline Fenton, shot him a look and he stopped. Aizawa had to restrain himself from glaring at the couple. He knew the signs of an abused, bullied, and neglected child, and Danny showed all the signs.

Maddie looked at the pro hero and gave him a seemingly innocent smile. Aizawa didn't fall for it.
"Um... are you sure about this? After all, I don't think a quirkless student belongs at U.A. It is a very prestigious school, why waste a spot?" She asked, finding no issue with what she just said. He didn't see any reaction from Danny. The kid was probably used to this sort of talk about him then.

Wait... quirkless? Aizawa looked at the teen and saw he was pale. It seemed the kid forgot to mention his parents didn't know he had a quirk. It also seems that he didn't want them to know. He frowned a bit at that, he'd find out later. For now, he had to deal with his parents. The way she said 'quirkless' didn't sit right with him. She sounded disappointed, more so disgusted. Well, he found the reason for the abuse, now all he needs to do is confirm it. A talk with the kid should do. It might take a while since he doesn't want to pressure him, but he'll find out eventually.

"Mrs. Fenton, I assure you I won't be 'wasting a spot'. I've been a Teacher at U.A for five years and I know potential when I see it. I can already tell that with the right training, Danny will be an amazing hero" Aizawa couldn't stop himself from glaring at the two parents. Either they didn't notice or they didn't care because they ignored his normally effective death glare easily.

His death glare only grew once he heard Maddie scoff.
"If you say so" with that, she stood up and walked away towards their kitchen. Aizawa didn't miss the flinch Danny unconsciously made when she walked by him.

No matter how many villains he fought, parents who purposely hurt their kids are his main enemy.


Finally, after what seemed like hours, the Fentons agreed to let Danny go to Japan and attend U.A. Luckily Danny only had one more week of middle school left then they could go. It didn't seem the Fentons cared all that much about Danny moving to Japan without them. It seemed as if they were celebrating.

Yeah, he hated the Fentons.


Dadzawa ftw 😎😎

I know the ending is probably a bit confusing like 'why tf would they just let a complete stranger take their kid to a different country' well, they're shit parents lol and don't really care smh. Also i know the ending seemed a bit rushed but i was kinda going for a dues ex machina vibe? Idk 💀💀

Tis all,

Good day :D

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