The mall

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I awoken (not the awoken😂) from his warm hands wrapping around my waist. I figured it was a dream till I felt his lips on my cheek.

I open my eyes turning on my back seeing him standing over top of me.


"Shush baby we gon get us caught"

He interrupted as I wrapped around him

"How'd you-?"

"Ashley, she said you cried yourself to sleep"

He said climbing in the bad laying besides me

"What I tell you about crying about us breaking up"

"to stop"

"Exactly, because it's never gonna happen"

He said kissing my forehead

"We together for life ok?"

I nod blushing

"Come sleep baby girl"

He said making me lay on his chest closing my eyes. I woke up alone making me instantly grow sad. I got up did my hygiene and went to eat breakfast.

"What are you doing"

My aunt asked

"Eating cereal"

I said confused to the fact that she's acting as if I'm doing something wrong

"You can eat after you get ready for church! It's Sunday"

Bitch I almost choked on my cereal

"Church? Child anyways"

I said continuing to eat my cereal

"Mm, your future is going to be a bad one..your no longer a child of god"

She shook her head leaving out, I love my god but I can't stand Christians. I heard her pull out of the driveway as I put my bowl in the sink.

"Did she leave"

I hear a familiar voice, I turn around seeing jahseh walk in from the back door. I jump in his arms in excitement, he chuckled kissing my cheek.

"You got a maximum of 3 hours before she come back"

Trippy says getting out some cereal

"You hungry"

I ask him

"Nah I had McDonald's"

He said making me suck my teeth

"Why you ain't get me nun"

I whine

"Real shit"

Trippy adds on

"Damn, I didn't buy it WiFi did"

He says

"Oh I left my phone"

My aunt walked in making jahseh run to my room like the flash. Me and trippy set there scared for our lives.

"Why y'all looking like that"

She said grabbing her phone

"Nothing, I'm going in my room"

I said walking away, I went in shutting the door back as jahseh peeked his head out my bathroom door. I laugh about to walk to him but my door open making him go back in.

"Also Michelle after church we're going shopping to the mall ok?"


I say tryna get her out

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