New boo thang

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I just got out of school and jah got me Chick-fil-A. He hasn't been coming to school lately. Him, ski, or trippy.

But he picked me up everyday with something to eat so no complaints. Also he got all my classes switched to be with Ashley's so I wouldn't be bored.

Ashley gets driven home by her dad now, he says that she's not allowed around trippy and made her get another abortion.

She tried sneaking out to him but he broke up with her saying he couldn't do it anymore. I know how much trippy wanted this kid and he's going through pain. I can see it in his eyes as much as he tries to hide it, he can't.

Ashley just sad because trippy left her but she never really cared about the baby she never wanted kids and he knows that so he thinks she's being a little insensitive.

Trippy been using his focus on this other girl, I don't know her or about her but I heard him talking to her on the phone last night.

Ashley said that he's been cheating on her with the mystery girl but I ain't know nothing about it till last night.

We pull up to the trap, I usually stay in the car because it's just filled with prostitutes, drug dealers, 'hitters', scam artist, know etc.


He said leaning his face to me, I put a fry in his mouth with sauce as Craig came up to the car.

"My lil sister in here, y'all go to the same school y'all probably got some classes together"

He said leaning into the window

"What's her name"

I say as I continue to feed jah, Craig laughed shaking his head.

"You really a soft nigga but, Carley"

"Nigga ain't nothing soft bout me"

Jahseh said with a mouth full

"Yeah, you say as your girl continues to feed you like a child"

He responds making jah push my hand away

"Stop, cause now these puss' ass niggas trying me now"

He said making me laugh

"Anyway, can you give her company cause I'm on babysitting duty but I can't since ya baby ass boyfriend wants me to do illegal shit"

He said making jah laugh

"So you know that's the least you could do"

Craig shrugs


I respond

"You want the rest"

I ask jah making him nod taking the food out my hand. We both got out the car and walked to the door with jah arm around me.

We walked in and he took me all the way in the back, the only clean place in this house.

"You should be comfortable in here"

He said lowly kissing my ear, I smiled hugging him and sitting on the clean white leather couch.

"I'll be back"

He said handing me my book bag

"Be a good girl"

He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. He kissed me one last time leaving out

"I'm gonna bring her in here"

Craig said to me leaving out. I took out my homework getting straight to it and then Ski brought her in 5 minutes later.

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