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"Pee on the stick"

Jahseh spoke

"Jah, we just got done having sex literally 2 seconds ago let me pee regularly and I'll pee again tomorrow"

"You right cause I came in you so if you pee some cum might come out and give false accusations"

"I don't think that's how that works but ok"

"Yeah it is cum makes the baby"

"Ok but for me to be pregnant it needs an egg so plain cum isn't going to do anything"

I respond

"Ok let's see"

He said and began jacking off...oh my god, I'm dating an idiot. I pee wiping myself and stumbling over to the sink. I wash my hands and then turned back to him cuming on the stick.

"Now let's wait"

He said sitting it on the box

"Your an idiot"

I laughed

"Mm, you wanna go another round while we wait"

I smile kissing him meaning yes brb


"Damn bae it's negative"

He said as I peed again

"Oh what a shocker"

I say wiping myself

"What if it said positive"

He said as I washed my hand

"Then we would go to the hospital and see what's up with your sperm"

"Nothing obviously your fine, but your not getting pregnant and it's pissing me off"

"My bad I'll try harder"

"Please do"

He said with sass making me laugh


"Man fuck this! I Don't need y'all!"

He yelled throwing his phone


I sighed, this nigga really need to learn to control his anger because his phone almost hit kyro

"I'm sorry"

He sighed when he realized

"Who was that"

"Them fuck as people who signed me, I'm tryna tell them my plans on creating a new image for myself. Being good and showing people I'm not evil and them fucks talking bout 'no. You need to keep your image you had when look at me came out'."

He explained

"That image isn't me anymore, I'm not that reckless ass being. And I don't want to project that person onto kids. I know I have jits looking up to me and shit and if they seeing me robbing and killing people they gon think that shit cool especially my son!"

He got frustrated

"I was in jail for the whole beginning of his life because of that fucking image! My son gon look at that shit and think it's cool like Nah fuck that! They forgetting I'm a fucking dad and I need to be here for my kid bruh. They loved when I was in jail, that shit brought them more views but that shit was taking me away from my family and that ain't cool!"

He yelled making ski come down the steps

"I'm done with them bruh, they abusing me, they didn't even like 17! They told me it would flop, lies songs all on the charts. I hear it blasting everywhere"

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