Yall gone hate me

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"Thank you for coming to get me mommy"

Kyro says as I lock his room door

"You sleep with me tonight"

He adds

"Yeah baby"

I say laying next to him

"I love you mom"

"I love you more babe"

I say playing in his hair as he fell asleep on my chest. I soon heard a knock

"Michelle I'm not arguing with you in front of my son, come out here"

X spoke making me sigh, I slowly moved kyro off my chest opening the door.

"What you doing?"

"I'm sleeping with my son, he wants my company tonight"

"Or is it that you mad at me"

I huffed

"I'm tired x what do you want"

He smirked licking and biting his lip as he tilted his head at me

"Ight give me a kiss goodnight then"

"I don't want a kiss"

"Did I ask you what you wanted"

I sighed kissing him, he slowly slip his tongue inside my mouth pulling me closer by my waist.

His hand softly ran up and down my spine as he bit my lip parting from the kiss.

"I'm sorry for losing my temper with you and giving you them empty threats. I promise they didn't mean anything"

He spoke softly against my lips

"I'm sorry for catching attitudes with you"

I apologized as well making him smile but that soon came to an end when we heard a big boom.

He frowned looking at the steps considering the sound came from downstairs.

"Lock the door"

He said pushing me in the room, I panic locking the door and grabbing my phone.


Ski! Hurry! I think someone's here!"


He panicked and then I heard gun shots

What the fuck was that!

He yelled

Take care of kyro please

I cried hanging up, I quickly picked kyro up putting him in his closet hiding him behind bags. He's a heavy sleeper so he'll be ok.

I run out of his room going into our room and grabbing a gun but as soon as I got to the steps shots fired in my direction and all I seen was black.

Stokelys pov

I run into the crib me and members only and the first body I see is my brother, shot up. I fell to my knees.

Trippy ran up the steps and screamed loudly in pain making me look his way. He held Michelle's lifeless body in his hands. Kyro.

I jumped up running up the stairs passing him running into kyro's room.


I screamed making him come out of the closet and everybody ran into the room.

"What's wrong"

He pointed to trippy who was covered in blood, I swallowed a big gulp picking him up. He hugged me back as I cried.

"Where's my mommy and daddy?"

I just held him tighter.

The end

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