Gang shit bitch💋💄

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2 days later

I was on my way out the door before getting stopped by my aunt.. just 3 more days to deal with her annoying ass.

"Yes aunty"

"Where are you going"


"My friend Stacy house to do our project for science"

I don't even know a Stacy..but I am going to do school work..just not a project. And it's not mine to do it's jahseh's. He says he needs 'help' which I know is a lie cause he's smarter then me.

"Did you finish your other homework"

I nodded, that's true.

"Ok be home by 8"

"What if we not done by then, and I'm turning 16 soon I can't get a lower curfew?"

"Ok 12"

I nod knowing I'll be home before then cause I don't like going home that late so I'll be home at like 11:30...I mean unless I'm partying but I'm not, I'm just going to jahseh's house so.

I leave out walking down the street and turning a corner immediately seeing his car. I hop in as he smiled at me.

"Hey ma"


I respond kissing his cheek


"Okay what homework you need help on"

I say we're on his couch

"All but we can start with science"

He responds

"Oh that's the easiest"

"No it's not cause what the hell is a cell the only cell I know is a jail cell"

I laugh

"A cell is a living thing like us"

I respond even though I know damn well we ain't doing that in science..I think he forgot that we have the same homework because we in the same class.

"Ok what about chemistry, people always say it's a cheesy way of saying love"

"It's the study of matter, it's how substance interact with energy. It basically helps you describe and explain."

"So when y'all talk in a loving way it's like using energy to 'interact' as in sex?"

I arched my eyebrows

"I guess"

"And when I kiss you I can 'describe and explain' how I feel"


He cut me off by connecting our lips, the kiss was soft and passionate.


I smile out of the kiss

"You said you needed help with your homework"

I said against his lips since he didn't want to pull away. He open his eyes looking into mine, our face still close to each other's.

"I did my homework"

He said bluntly, I fell back onto the couch

"Now when have I ever needed help in school"

He asked getting over top of me

"And we not even learning about chemistry and cells"

"I know, so what you want?"

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