Confession on the start of tension

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A month has gon by, me and jahseh got back to being close but he got locked up 2 weeks ago. Sadly Justin died, reportedly murder and they think jahseh did it.

Maybe because they fought- well jahseh beat him up but that was because he was trying to help me. I asked him if he did it but he said he didn't want to talk about the case.

Today he has court and we are all here, by we- his mom, me...Duh, Mikey, ski, and tank. He walked in smiling at me as I set next to his mom holding her hand.

He set in front of me and her next to his lawyer

"Thanks for coming"

I hear him whisper sending chills down my spine, I blushed looking down as he glanced at me causing him to chuckle. Jahseh been flirting a lot more lately.

Someone on the other side of the room announced him and announced what he's being charged with murder making cleo squeeze my hand. I hugged her as she silently cried

"How do you plead"

The judge asks

"guilty your honor"

He spoke making me confused

"In the afternoon of December 14, were you located in a parking lot of the mall of millennia at 5:30pm"


"Can you please explain what happened in that parking lot"

"Justin came up to me beginning to throw punches, I didn't fight back considering how shocked I was but then I started to feel like I was getting beaten to death which made me grab my pocket knife out of instinct and I began stabbing him not meaning to kill him"

He said making me frown in confusion, when the hell did that happen. When was he gonna tell me and that was the same day Justin beat me so how he end up at the mall.

Wait...he setting him up. He killed him on purpose making it look like self defense. How could he do that.

"Are you saying it was out of self defense sir"

"Yes I am"

"My defendant has the security camera footage if you'd like"

His lawyer spoke making the judge nod, he watch the video looking as he believes what jahseh said.

"Looks like self defense to me"

The judge said handing the phone back to the officer

"Alright please stand"

He said making everyone stand, he glance back at me as I looked at him with anger. How could he not tell me.

He turned around looking a little hurt but it doesn't matter he killed someone and the scariest part is I don't care that he did it, I'm mad he didn't tell me.

I mean I loved Justin but he hurt me really bad and he deserved it honestly. The judge read out which courtroom this was and his cell number.

"Find the defendant jahseh Dwayne Ricardo onfroy not guilty"

His mom cried hugging him as everyone cheered on except Justin's family. I honestly felt so bad for Justin's mom but only if she knew what her son did to me.

He pulled out of a hug with his mom pulling me too him

"I'm sorry"

He whispered sincerely in my ear

"I'm just upset you didn't tell me"

I said back making him quickly put a smile on his face

"Your not scared of me"

I shook my head no, does he know who my brother is. I've watch trippy murder someone before

"I'll tell you next time"

He chuckled making his mom hit his arm

"If you murder someone again I'm gonna murder you"

"It was accident ma chill, I'm just saying if I accidentally do it again"

He said making ski laugh, I smile at him shaking my head

"Boy I'm not playing"

"Ok, ok I'm sorry"

He said with his player smirk on his face, such a hoe

"You remind me of your father"

She said shaking her head


Me, ski, and jahseh are in the car just sitting in the parking lot of McDonald's cause jahseh wanted a Big Mac with his fat ass.

Jahseh and ski songs lowly played on the Bluetooth barley being heard. Jahseh couldn't stop smiling though making me poke his dimple

"Why you so happy"

I asks as he looked at me

"I've missed you"

He said softly


Stokes interrupted

"I miss you too best friend"

He said never taking his eyes off me smiling but talking to ski

"Really? Don't feel like it"

Ski said sounding hurt making jah turn his way

"I miss you for real, it was torture not having you in there with me. It didn't feel right for some reason"

He said to him making ski fake tear up

"Awe it was torture without you too friend"

He said as they dab each other up, jahseh got back to eating his food until...

"You didn't get me no fries you fucking asshole"

Stokes yelled

"First off suck my dick nigga and I didn't know you wanted want some fries?"

"Duh dumbass"

They argued making me laugh, jahseh pulled up at the drive through

"Order this dickhead some fries"

"Shut up bitch"

They playfully argued, I leaned over jahseh since he was on the drivers side. His breathing hitched as he stared at my lips biting his.

"How may I help you"

The lady said through the speaker, I say keeping eye contact with jahseh

"Can I get a large fry please"

I respond

"Will that he all"


"Ok your total it $2.58"

"Thank you"

I say sitting back down in my seat as jahseh watched me like a hawk

"Jah baby, go to the window"

I say pulling him out his thoughts, he cleared his throat moving up handing the lady the money and going to the next window getting ski's fries.

He took some out the bag handing it to him

"Nigga stop taking my shit"

"I paid for that shit dumb ass"

"You right thanks vrother"

"You welcome vro"

Jah responded parking again, jahseh put me and his trash and one bag and we all just set there bored not know what to do as ski ate his fries.

Jahseh looked over at me grabbing my chin, he admired my face with a smile before looking away blushing.

"Eww, stop making my vrother fall in love with you"

"I didn't even do nothing"

I say to ski in defense, jahseh glanced at me with his pretty as smile starting the car.

I started my second semester today🙃

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