The attitudes

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It's been a month, it's now September 16. Kyro is 5 months and annoying, sike nah I love my baby. But he acts like his dad. The attitude is just to much.

Sunday, I started my own nail salon and hired the girls I went to school with. I hired a good interior designer to design it exactly how I want it.

In the meantime I brought yet another building for an actual store. I'm gonna sell clothes, accessories, lip glosses, all that. And soon as my designer done with the nail place she getting on with the store.

I've already talked to a clothing designer that I want to design my clothes with and I brought a ware house so we can get copies of these clothes made and everything.

Someone designed me a logo, and my clothing designer said it'll be good if I started with merch since I started a documentary on my YouTube channel gaining fans.

I've also been talking to my cousin back in Atlanta and she wants to moved down here to start her hair business but she wants me to co-own it. Of course I took the deal.

She's moving down here soon and I honestly can't wait cause me and my cousin been best friends since birth nothing ever separated us not even distance. She's honestly my right hand.

Speaking of, Ariana is my assistant and she's gonna help me keep track of everything like keeping pay with my workers and bills, you know stuff like that.

Mama cleo is my manager, she's gonna give me advice on weather or not I should do this and how to do it at that.

And besides all of that I've started buying homes and apartments and renting them out to people so I'm also now a Real estate agent, Ariana is the one who got me on that mindset though cause I seen how much money she was making and I was like oh let me do that.

The whole time I was working nonstop ski and trippy had kyro. They did what they had to do to the last guys the night jah got locked up so after that I immediately got to work.

Considering I already was qualified for everything I did since jah was in jail the first time I put my head to a bunch of schools.

Speaking of jah he's downstairs with ky, he was released this morning and ever since him and ky been inseparable. Ski took ky to every visit so he's familiar with jah, so familiar his first words were da da. He says ma ma some time but mostly da da or ski, I'm so serious it's annoying.

Anyways, jahseh thinks I'm mad at him because I didn't come to any visit but he's acting like I ain't answer every phone call even when I was busy.

Since he's been home he's stayed away from me which makes me wanna cry cause I ain't see him in a month but it's cool he on house arrest for some months so where the fuck he gon go.

I skip down the stairs seeing ky playing with his toys and jahseh sitting on the couch's looking over at him every 2 seconds.

"You hungry"

I ask walking over to him, he glanced at me then back at the tv. Mane I don't got time for his attitude


He walked out of his room

"You hungry"

"You read my mind cause I just was about to go to McDonald's"

"Bet let me go put my shoes on"

I say running upstairs, I quickly put on my sneakers going back downstairs

"Where's ski"

"He left"

He spoke


"Cause you not leaving this house"

He said never looking away from the tv

"Boy bye"

I say going to my purse to find my car keys, oh yeah I been had got my license when jah first got locked up but I recently just bought myself a car.

My dream car, Lamborghini suv- where the fuck is my keys.

"You not going anywhere!"

He spoke from the couch making me storm backing into the family room.

"Jahseh give me my shit back you ain't pay for it"

"I don't care"

He said looking me dead in my eyes

"¿Qué diablos te pasa? No hice nada y has sido un idiota todo el día!!!" (What the fuck is wrong with you?! I did nothing and you've been an ass all day!!!)

(She not mixed with Hispanic she just talks like that when she's get mad...which is me because I'm fully black and I do that)

"Why didn't you come visit me Michelle?"

"Because I was working! You know this! I've told you this millions of times!"

"I don't believe you!"

"So what you think I was doing then! Huh? que diablos estaba haciendo si no era eso?!" (What the hell was I doing if it wasn't that)

"Being a hoe"

He said nonchalantly making my mouth widen

"Nigga what?! With who jahseh?"

"I don't know you tell me"

"You right I was, I was selling houses, I was starting businesses, planning business...I'm a job whore. I can't stick to one job"

He sucked his teeth

"Mane quit the lies"

"Ask your mom, ski, your sister, trippy, shit even your son"

I suggest

"What even put in your head that I was cheating"

"We haven't had sex in a whole month-

"Ok and before that we ain't have sex in 10!-"

"You was pregnant and the last month you was recovering from pregnancy so you couldn't do anything but you can now!"

"So you really think this whole time you were locked up I was fucking someone else and coming back home every night to our son laying in our bed peacefully?"


"And then the days he had to come with me because everybody life can't stop for me, I was taking him to this mystery nigga house with me letting him sit in the next room while I fucked him"


He said in a Duh tone, this nigga gotta be stupid

"Damn, how'd you find out? I mean it's not as good as yours but his dick bigger so that was-"

I got caught off by his hand being wrapped around my neck making me smile

"Stop playing with me Michelle"

He grit in my face

"Well stop acting the fuck stupid as if you don't know me you fucking idiot"

I talk back which probably isn't a good idea since my neck is still in his hand.

"I didn't cheat on you, I was just busy. I'm sorry, I won't do it again"

I spoke calmly this time as he still had his same demeanor. I smile sticking my tongue out licking his lips like a cat making me burst into laughter. He gripped my chin with a smile bringing me into a kiss.

Which was rudely interrupted by our son screaming to the top of his lungs making us quickly turn to him. He stopped letting out a laugh making us smile shaking our head

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